Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Our first RV adventure!

We've arrived at our first RV destination- a little RV resort north of the small college town, Denton. I think 'resort' was a little bit of a stretch seeing as we already saw an old man walking around wearing nothing but jeans and a pair of suspenders! (Although Southern Hubby said this counted as a shirt around these parts.)

Unfortunately, as soon as pulled up, we started having trouble. For some reason, SH couldn't get the hitch off of the trailer. It was stuck on there pretty good. After about 15 minutes of working on it, somehow it came off but poor SH was already sweaty and tired. (He was adamant that I not ask for help from the other men camping around us. Men, sheesh!) I immediately went inside with the pups who were having some trouble breathing seeing as it was hot and very humid. Thankfully, SH got the electricity going and things cooled off.

I got to work cleaning and getting things sorted out while SH did some things on the outside like hook up the water hoses. As I started unpacking, I began realizing that there were many (many) things we had forgotten. For example, pots and pans to cook in, a cookie sheet for the cookies I had planned on making that night, trash bags, a sponge to wash the dishes, the toilet chemicals we left in the car at home, paper towels, etc. Oh, and compound all that with the huge tension headache I was having. Things were looking disastrous! So was our little Bee Hive.

After a while, we got most things sorted out. I took a little nap with the pups in the hopes that my bad headache would go away and SH did a little work on the computer. (They had wireless here on the grounds so he was able to log in, thankfully.)

After I woke up, we ate an early dinner (tuna sandwiches and chips thanks to our forgetfulness) and watched Texas beat up on Tech on SH new TV (Hook 'Em!!). Girls, I literally had to force him to get a 19". He was hoping somehow to fit a 26" in here but I thought that was a little much. Thankfully he gave in and we ended up with a great little TV! It fits nicely.

Even though the trip started a bit rough, I think we're going to love it! We settled in nicely and enjoyed spending time in our little Bee Hive. We're hoping to get out next weekend too, although as I type this, it's thundering pretty loudly. Hopefully the ground dries up by the weekend!

Also, please don't forget to don't forget about sweet Mr. Churchill. Sadly, this is what his paypal fund looks like today. If you don't feel comfortable donating via paypal, then please just send a check straight to the animal shelter. I'll have to use the honor system on this one. Send me an email and let me know you did donate so that you can be entered to win all the goodies.
And I've lowered the minimun entry to only one day's worth of Starbuck's coffee and a fat free slice of blueberry coffee cake- $5! That's all you need to donate to enter to win one of Churchill's fab swag gift bundles!!! Let's make this happen for this sweet gift from God!

UPDATE: If you donated to Churchill, I DID get the money! I just needed to go into paypal to confirm the email connected with the account. Sorry about that!!! I'll have first name only list of those who did donate. Thanks so much yall! My heart is bursting!!! -jrb

Here is the link of people who's donations have gone through:

1. Anna S.
2. Baylee C.
3. Stephanie P.
4. Lyndsay S.
5. Lindsay R.

6. Kelley B
7. Susan E. K.

8. Margaret C.

9, Katie B.
10. Amy B.
11. Brittney A.

Happy travels, y'all!

xoxo Y

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