Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Making Your Home a Haven- Setting My Bedtime

Sorry this was late, y'all. I'll be doing this on time after next week's end to the 21 Day Challenge. :)

This week's challenge is setting your bedtime. Now this is one thing this Southern girl does not have regulated. I go to bed when I choose and please and after I've done all the fun things I didn't get to do over the course of the day. Of course, getting to bed at my regular time, around 11:30-11:45pm, ensures that this southern gal will have one heck of a time getting up in a cheerful mood the next morning.

I spent a little bit of time thinking about a routine that may help me get settled in for the night. I'm hoping that by making this a regular thing, I'll be performing some classical conditioning on myself and my mind will start triggering the sleepies when these tasks are being performed.

The Southern Housewife's Nightly Routine:

  • After dinner, make sure to clean up the kitchen, sweeping the floor, disinfecting the counters, rinsing and putting the dirty dishes into the dishwasher, and making sure my sink is empty and shiny!
  • Do a quick 15 minute clean up. (pick up clutter, arrange sofa pillows, clear the kitchen bar aka catch all for mail, keys, purse, misc., empty replacing, etc.)
  • Change into pajamas.
  • For the next two weeks from 9pm to 9:30pm, Southern Hubby and I signed up at church to pray together for the needy in our community. Each Sunday, we will be drawing a family (last name only) to pray for as well.
  • Do my nightly face regimen and brush teeth.
  • Take my vitamins and any medications.
  • Read over my schedule for tomorrow. Write down any special errands or chores that need to be done.
  • Praying with my hubby. Lately we've been reading Moments with You by Barbara and Dennis Rainey from FamilyLife, which y'all know I love with a capital L!
  • Snuggle up with Southern Puppy and get some beauty rest!

And there ya have it! Might be a little bit too detailed, but we all know I'm a type A personality (say it with me: "with a capital A!")

Happy sleepy time, y'all!

xoxo Y

Monday, March 30, 2009

Week Three: 21 Days to Becoming an Effective Wife Challenge

This is it folks! The last week! Only 7 more days to really turn it out and really come together with all you wanted to accomplish these past couple weeks. Isn't it amazing how time flies?
So, how did this week go? Did you follow the rules you set for yourself? Why or why not? For me, it seems like I follow the same weekly pattern. I'm happy that I set out on this little challenge because I never really noticed it. So, let's break it down into positives and negatives.

Good job, Southern Housewife! :
  • I have really enjoyed waking up early. When I hit 7am, I feel like I've slept in! My goodness, who would have ever guessed that I'd be saying that one!? But I can't say it enough- me getting up early is what makes me productive. When I sleep in, I feel like the rest of the day is ruined, so I just give up on it. Waking up early ensures that Southern Hubby gets a yummy lunch, the coffee gets brewing, and most importantly, that I get my time in with God.
  • I've been doing pretty good with keeping up with the laundry. Thursday and Friday weren't that great- I loaded them up and dried them but didn't do the folding and putting up. I just hate that part so I try to avoid doing it at all costs. Of course, avoiding things never gets them done. I just end up with wrinkly clothes that I can never find.
  • I don't know about you, but making the bed makes my home seem in order. What is it about a nicely done bed that just changes the whole demeanor of your home? I definitely love having my bed made and have been working really hard on making this habit stick!
  • One habit I added on late was to start taking more pictures. I have this awesome camera, have taken two classes on photography, have books out the wazoo, and even have Photoshop- so why am I not taking pictures daily?! There is this challenge out there that has women take one picture at least every day for one year. They upload them to flickr and share. I think I may try to do this at some point because I don't want my camera to sit on my kitchen table forever. ;)
  • Lately, SH has been on me to start saying no to more things. I overwhelm myself with things to attend to, crafts to finish, rooms to clean, things to bake, etc. I mentioned the other day that I was going to a Junior League prospective members meeting. After thinking about it a bit, I decided that my husband was right. As much as I wanted to join, it would just be adding another (quite major) thing onto my already full plate.

Better luck next time, Southern Housewife! :

  • Working out. How disappointing that I can't even make it to the gym once. I don't even like to drive by it because I get such pangs of guilt. Arrrgh- what is wrong with me?!
  • Clipping coupons is so overwhelming for me. I did a good job for a while but it takes me such a long time to search for them, print them, and then sort them. I know menu planning is the only way to go, but adding this on to clipping coupons just makes it impossible for me to get started. Does anyone have an easy routine for this?
  • Once Thursday comes, it might as well be the weekend for me. I just get it in my head that the week is over and I want to be done and start having fun with SH. A laundry routine goes out the window, some dishes get put in the sink here and there, resulting in a mound by Monday. I think one of these days I'm going to take a picture of it and post it here so people can lay the guilt and shame on me! Maybe that is what it will take!
  • I have such a hard time getting dressed in the mornings. I'm all about wearing the comfy clothes but I know that SH does not want to come home to a big frump at night. This is one thing I'm going to try extra hard to step up to this week. Wish me luck- cause I love my yoga pants!

Other than these things, I've been doing pretty good. The main thing for me is to get up early. Once I'm up, the hard part is done and I can start preparing myself for my and SH's morning. It makes things go so much smoother. If you're struggling with routines, this is the best advice I can give you: wake up early and read His word!! It will have such a profound effect on your day. Good luck in the last week of habit changing! I can't wait to see what we've all accomplished.

Don't forget to check out Miss Ruthann and her spiffy new blog! I haven't seen it yet, but I do know a couple of the tricks she has up that little sleeve of hers and I know you won't be disappointed!

*Update: Oh me, oh my! Finally got to check it out. She did a fabulous job redesigning! I could spend hours on her super cute website! Hurry up and head on over there. And you might just see a little something from me, too! ;)

Next Monday, I will be participating in Making Your Home a Haven once again. I think I got confused because there were several going on and I don't know which one is the original, but I *think* this one is it. If not, please let me know! After this little challenge, I know participating will be a great way to keep my momentum going. I'm loving this quote by the host, Tammy:

"...the 'Making Your Home a Haven' challenge isn't all about cleaning, working, or to-do lists. It's about having a spirit-filled heart and loving our families enough that we strive to make ourselves and our homes a welcoming, joyful, and peaceful haven to them! "

What an amazing sentence. It's easy to get caught up in the list of to-dos and the sparkle (or lack thereof) of the floors and counters. I urge you to join. And most of you already did last week's challenge- a morning routine!

Oh, and last but not least, I wanted to share something SH and I did over the weekend. We participated in Earth Hour! I should have posted about it this week, but I didn't really even hear about it until Friday. During Earth Hour, participants were to turn off all electricity wherever they were for one hour in an effort to to raise awareness towards the need to take action on the global climate change. After looking around on their website, it seems that a lot of the world participated, even shutting down major landmarks like Big Ben and Westminster. I got a bit teary looking at all of the pictures of a dark Earth. It's amazing how mankind can come together in unity to change Earth for the better.

One hour in the dark was pretty fun. We had plenty to giggle about trying to use the bathrooms, play with Southern Puppy and just maneuvering around the house in general. Candles definitely came in handy! I was glad to document us in our first year to participate. If you missed it this year, be sure to catch it next time around!

Happy Monday!! Start your week right- spending time with God!
xoxo Y

Friday, March 27, 2009

"You can never have too many aprons or too many memories."
- Miss EllynAnne Geisel

I am just so excited to blog about this! One of my dear friends Deanna, over at the Apronista, emailed me today asking if I would blog about an upcoming giveaway. It seems that EllynAnne Geisel has just written a brand new book and is doing a fabulous giveaway!

Now, if you're a regular reader of mine, you'll know how much I love aprons and how much I love Mrs. Geisel. I'm a huge fan of hers as well as her books. In fact, for Christmas, I made an apron themed gift basket for my three closest friends. In the baskets, I included a vintage apron, monogrammed recipe cards with aprons on them, as well as Mrs. Geisel's super sweet book, Apronisms.

I can't tell you how happy I am about aprons making a comeback in our homes. It wasn't long ago that an apron was seen as a symbol of the oppression of women. Feminists claimedthat aprons held women back- they chained us to the kitchen. And now, because of homemakers and women like Mrs. Geisel, aprons have reached an almost cult status! Every girl wants one and you can find so many cute handmade ones on Etsy. It's bringing the art of sewing and embroidering back that was lost for several decades. It's so exciting to see the domestic arts coming back into our lives in such a fantastic and positive way.

Sorry for getting off track!

Mrs. Geisel is also having a book tour around the country, and if you're lucky enough, she just may be coming to your city to do a book signing! How fun would it be to tie on your favorite apron and pearls, gather some of your friends and attend one of her signings? What a show of support of her as well as homemakers around the country!

Be sure to check and see if she is making her way to your neck of the woods. She's coming to Texas (eeek!) so you know I'm making the trek to see her. Maybe I'll finally get to wear Petunia...

"Long time ago, people weren’t dressed until they put on an apron.”
- 94-year old Ada Florence Ashford

Monday, April 20, 6-8 p.m.
Rejuvenation 2910 First Ave. South
Seattle, WA 98134
(206) 382-1901

Tuesday, April 21, 7 p.m.
Third Place Books
17171 Bothell Way Northeast
Lake Forest Park, WA 98155
(206) 366-3333

Friday, April 24, noon to 2 p.m.
Britex Fabrics 146 Geary Street
San Francisco, CA 94108
(415) 392-2910

Saturday, April 25, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Women’s Museum
3800 Parry Avenue
Dallas, TX 75226
(214) 915-0860
* admission will be charged to enter museum

Monday, April 27, 7 p.m.
Books and Books
265 Aragon Avenue
Coral Gables, FL

Tuesday, April 28, 6:30 p.m.
Concord Mills Mall
8301 Concord Mills Blvd.
Concord, NC 28027
(704) 979-8300

Wednesday, April 29, 7 p.m.
1570-C Highwoods Blvd.
Greensboro, NC 27410
(336) 291-0090

Friday, May 1, 7:30 p.m.
Tattered Cover Book Store
2526 E. Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80206
(303) 322-7727
Saturday, May 2, 2 pm

Barnes & Noble
8374 S. Willow St.
Littleton, CO 80124
(303) 706-9660

And don't forget to sign up for her giveaway! She's teamed up with Aunt Martha's Transfers to give away six wonderful packages full of crafty goodies! Good luck!

Oh, and I know I said I had a special surprise secret with Miss Ruthann over at Warm Pie, Happy Home, but my lips are sealed until her brand new blog debuts!! So, you'll have to wait until Monday. I can't wait to see what her new website looks like. She is such a doll and I know it's going to be so cute!

Happy Weekend!

xoxo Y

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Ways of Prayer: Part Two- 3 essentials to praying

Yesterday I explained the evolution of my walk with God in prayer. From going through the motions to listening to God speak to me, I learned many things, good and bad, during the process. I learned that I could be lazy- rushing through my prayers just to check something off my list. I learned about patience. When I'm ready to hear what God has to say, he's not always in the mood to share. Like a wise gal commented, we need to wait for when He is ready. I can't just go around demanding answers. And most importantly, I learned that saying I was spiritual and loved God was completely different than living your life with Him and for Him. Life is easier and much more enjoyable with Him on my team.

Praying has impacted my life beyond words and I'm always learning new things about it. At church this past Sunday, our priest broke prayer down into 3 simple steps. For those that were making it much too complicated (me!), this message was so profound. In the past, I thought prayer was about dramatically bending on your knees, crying, screaming your profession of love for Him for all to hear. It doesn't have to be like that. If that is how you are most comfortable doing it, then go for it! But to me, that was too flashy and too intimidating. My worship is much more quiet, much more intimate and private. I'm still not 100% comfortable praying with my own husband!

Praying with thanksgiving and gratitude comes easy to me. I have so many things to be thankful for, the words and praise just come spilling out of my mouth! Praying for confession is a bit harder for me only because I'm shameful and have remorse for sinning. Yet, I know what I've done and how I've sinned, so I confess that to God and ask for forgiveness. What I haven't conquered yet is when I'm asking for help with problems. Half of the time I wonder why He would care about my menial problems when there is such suffering out the world. My little worries don't compare. Or I get impatient waiting for answers to come. I know this doesn't help the problem- it only makes my frustration worse, my attitude sour and affects those around me.

But these three keys to praying when I'm worried about a problem really made sense to me. It gave me the answer to how to be patient and wait for the things I ask for. And I hope that it gives me contentment when He thinks it's in my best interest to not give me the things I ask for. As usual, he brought this into my life at just the right time. He has a knack for timing, doesn't He? ;)
Three Essentials to Praying:

1. Focus on God and not the problem.
Pretty straight forward. Whatever the problem may be, if you're not focused on God, you won't be able to hear Him speaking to you. You will be blind to any messages he may be sending you. And you may be so focused on the problem, you will turn away the people He brings into your life that could hold a key to helping. Keep your eye on the prize.
2. Ask for strength more than you ask for solutions.
I was really amazed when this step was explained to me. Pray for strength. Pray for patience and endurance. The solution to you problem may not come for days, weeks, years, or it may not come at all. Having God bless you strength and perseverance is going to be what gets you through that.
3. Let God handle it. Give it to God.
This last step will be the hardest for me. It's easy to say you're giving it to God. But it's a lot harder to actually do it. We are imperfect sinners. We like to control and fix things in ways to benefit us. If He is taking too long answering our prayers, we like to take the problem back. We greedily snatch it away because we can do a better job and make things happen now instead of never. We dwell on it, mull things over, become angry, focus all our energy on the negativity, ignore the other things we have happening around us. Soon the problem is the priority, not God. And maybe we gain our results through nefarious ways because we were just too impatient. We thought we knew better, didn't we?
I really hope that these steps have a beneficial impact on your prayer, as it is doing wonderful things in my walk with Him.
Happy Thursday!
xoxo Y

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Ways of Prayer: Part One- Do you hear God?

If you were anything like me at 16, you thought prayer was reciting the Our Fathers and Hail Marys before going to bed with a couple of thank yous thrown in for good measure.

This was in fact how I prayed growing up. Every once in a while I'd plead with God to help solve a problem at school, make some boy fall madly in love with me, or convince my parents to buy me those super cute jeans I coveted at the Limited. And that was about it. Reciting meaningful and important words with no conviction, and asking for favors- mostly going through the motions.

There were a few times that I felt guilty saying the prayers while thinking other thoughts, so I'd force myself to listen to every single word, process it, and then say it again. I'd say my prayers three times if need be, but I made sure I understood what they meant and how they applied to my life. I would give thanks and praise to God for giving me a wonderful family and for loving me so much. But eventually that would fade and the thanksgiving prayers even became memorized and repeated without thought.

When I graduated high school and entered college, my faith dropped by the wayside. I'd check in with God every now and then to ask for help on a test, or to get me out a some college aged jam, but never attended church and rarely prayed or talked to Him. I had good intentions of course. When I moved to my new city, I fully intended on finding a church and began attending. But of course other things take priority and God once again falls to the side.

It wasn't until as recently as last year that something different happened- I started talking to God again. It began with asking for help, as he always the first one people run to in times of crisis and the first one people forget about in times of celebration and joy. And eventually it turned into just chatting. Just talking to let him know how I was feeling. That turned into giving Him thanks for all the wonderful things that He allowed to happen in my life. I was cultivating an actual relationship with God. But it never felt like prayer. I felt like I was doing something wrong since I wasn't saying my traditional prayers at night. But I continued talking to Him because I enjoyed it greatly.

Then this past Sunday, I realized I was missing something. While listening to the priest talk about prayer and praying, it occurred to me that my relationship with God has really been one sided. I was talking and talking, and giving thanks and praise and worshipping Him, which is good. But I wasn't listening to what He had to say in return. I was being a conversation hog!
So I started working on it. And let me tell you, it's not that easy for a control freak like me. It's hard to turn off the mind and just listen. Thoughts of existing life creep into my head. Or I begin to start asking for help, or for forgiveness for letting my thoughts wander. I can't seem to ever get a clear head.

But there are things I really want to know! What does He have to say about the way I'm doing things and living my life? Do I have so much on my plate that I'm not focusing truly on Him? What does He think about me attending Episcopal services as a Catholic? Am I living out my wifely duties like I should be? Are there other ways to show my husband respect as the religious leader of our family? They're all swirling around up there. And somewhere mixed in are His messages to me. But I'm missing them. I can't always hear them. And when I do hear something, I'm not confident that it's Him. What if it's just me telling myself the things I want to hear?

So, I'm turning to you. How do you hear God?

Do you need a quite space, or does the pleasant sound of chirping of birds outside clear your head? Do you have to sit up for fear of falling asleep? How do you clear your head? What ways to do you push those thoughts that nag at you- "What's for dinner?" or "I wonder why Mary's teacher wants to see me after school today?" I'd love to hear any and all techniques you may have and even book recommendations would be welcome! I just can't seem to get it all in. I feel I'm not doing it right. Thanks to any and all who help!

Coming tomorrow, The Ways of Prayer: Part Two- 3 essentials to praying

Happy praying and listening!
xoxo Y

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This and That

I've got a bit to talk about today but it's all hodgepodge, so I figured I'd do a This and That post. :)

I've started a new blog solely for my photography pictures. If you're a regular reader, you'll see that I love photography and visit Shutter Sisters pretty much every day. If you haven't seen this site, go check it out. These girls have amazing eyes and incredible talent!

This blog won't have too much writing because I just want it to be about the pictures. I named it Bee and Jack after the two men in my life- Southern Hubby, and our Southern Puppy, Jackson Taylor (yes, our dog has a middle name. and yes, I use his full name when he gets into mischief!) There isn't a ton on there just yet, but head on over and take quick look if you're not busy. And, SH's name really isn't Bee. :) It's just my pet name for him.

Bee and Jack Photography

I finally put up a couple of new designs in my shop. I'm so proud of them! I especially love the one with the border!! I just had to make one for myself!

OK folks, this one was pretty short. I have to get back to my housework, and I have a Junior League potential new member meeting to go to tonight. Busy, busy! But I'll be back soon. God has been working in me in such wonderful ways and I can't wait to share them all with you. It's amazing how much your life can turn around and how much a spoiled and stubborn 28 year old can have an attitude adjustment just because God is present her life. :) Oh, and I've got something cooking for you with one of my FAVE homemakers and sweet pie mama, Ruth over at Warm Pie, Happy Home. I can't wait to talk to you about it!

Happy spring day!
xoxo Y

Monday, March 23, 2009

Week Two: 21 Day Challenge to Becoming an Efficient Wife

Good morning gals! How are you all doing? How did everyone's week go? Did we meet our weekly goals, did we fail miserably, or did we do a bit in between?
Well I would definitely have to say a little from column A and a little from column B. ;) Let's break mine down into positives and negatives.
  • Starting my day off with God's word and prayer gets my day going! I'm filled with the desire to be sort of wife He is calling me to be. Waking up early just gets me going! And I made it into the 5:16am club! ;) Well, except for one day...
  • I stayed on top of my laundry every day by doing one load per day. And I made sure that not only was it out of the dryer asap to prevent wrinkling, but I folded it all and put it away. Except for one day...
  • My kitchen was in tip top order! Sink was clean every night before bed. Floor was cleaned. Loved it. Except for, you got it, one day...
  • My bed was made each morning. Quick etiquette tip: Ladies should have their beds made before noon time. :)
  • We prayed as a couple before we went to sleep.


  • I did not work out once this week. Not once. And this was one of my main goals!! :( I just had to say it. I couldn't lie and say I went a couple times. It just wouldn't be right and wouldn't be what this was all about. I need to be accountable for the things I do and don't do. So, have at me girls! Don't be too mean! ;)
  • Fridays!! Fridays are my 'let it allll hang out' days. I didn't get much accomplished. And I think I know why. I woke up late that day. I was rushed to get SH out the door. Didn't do my prayer and quite time with the Lord. And then from there, it was all downhill. The bed didn't get made all weekend, we slept in and went to the late church service, and now there is a pile of dishes in the sink that will greet me tomorrow morning. This was a good learning experience. I need to buckle down on my actions on Fridays.

So, what about you? I can't wait to read all of your postings to see how you did! And we have a couple of new girls, too. Anyone who wants to join us, even now, is more than welcome to. Just remember that it takes 21 days to make a habit, so you would just have to make sure you add on the days that you missed. :)

Off to look around at your blogs! I'll add the new girls in and send out the blog roll later on tonight!

Happy Monday!

xoxo Y

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Has Arrived!

Hey everyone!

Today is the first official day of spring! How fun! (Look, my much my hydrangea plant has grown!) Now, fall and winter are definitely my favorite times of year (guess cause Texas is such a scorcher in the summers) but I am sort of ready to start seeing my hydrangeas bloom and to start getting my patio chairs back outside and ready for cookouts. Oh, and two of my best friends have swimming pools at their houses, so that gives summer a little boost. Good thing I kept them around all these years. ;)

Before I get on to talking about the challenge, I wanted to share a little lesson I learned about letting a 7 year old try to crack eggs when making Sunday dinner. It goes something like this...

But my niece looked so stinkin' cute in my apron, how could I be mad?!

So, we cleaned the mess up, and tried again. Ever patient Southern Hubby gave her a couple of tips and she was successful!

Now, on with business! How is everyone doing on the 21 Day Challenge? Are we getting closer to making these things habits?

This morning was actually the first morning of the week that I did not wake up early. I don't know why but I just kept hitting snooze. Maybe it was because I had two cuddly gentleman in bed with me and I just couldn't bear to leave them. :)

But other than that, I've been doing great at most of the goals I've given myself. Our floors are clean, the bed has been made every day, there is not a crazy pile of laundry because I do one load (and fold and put it up!) each day, I've made awesome lunches for my husband, and I'm trying to keep my disposition a sweet and positive one. I think that's just as important as cleaning. One crabby wife = one unpleasant home. And that is the truth!

The only thing I haven't been able to discipline myself enough to do is the gym! I just can't seem to get my behind into that building! I don't know what it is. (actually I do- I hate working out.) I even went grocery shopping yesterday to avoid going to the gym. And I hate grocery shopping!! Now that's pretty bad!

I hope to see some pictures of things you've done this upcoming Monday! I can't wait to read about how y'all are on your way to becoming efficient wives!!! And I'll be posting a blog roll of participants as well, so it will be easier to seek out the girls to give encouragement to.

Happy Weekend y'all!
xoxo Y

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day and Gratituesday

Top o' the mornin' to ya!

How are my lovely lucky leprechauns doing today? I love St. Patrick's Day! All the green colors (one of my favorites!), the hint of spring in the air, and it's my grandfather's birthday. So we get to celebrate twice!

Today, I am most thankful for the grandparents I do have that are still alive. All but one are still with me. SH's grandparents are all gone now. Thankfully, I got to meet two of them. It is when I think of them, that I realize how lucky I am to still have the majority of mine.

My paternal grandfather was killed in an on the job accident in 1988. He was still so very young. The only time I have ever seen my father cry was when he knelt down to tell us of his passing. I was only 8 years old. The only things I can remember of him were the black glasses case and pack of gum he always had in his pocket. I will always remember my grandfather with a pack of gum. :) He looked so much like my daddy. And my daddy has many of the same traits. From what my father has told me, my grandfather was generous- to a fault. He would give you the shirt off his back. And then some pants and a belt to go with it.

My father once asked him why he was always giving away anything he had. My grandmother had 10 children. The big family could barely keep food on the table, much less hold on to the material things they may have acquired. He told him, "I give it away because they need it. And I have it to give. But I give for selfish reasons- for the way it makes me feel inside. Really, they are the ones doing me the favor."

My daddy helping me down the stairs on my wedding day.

And even today, my father is the exact same way. By the grace of God, we are in a much better position financially and as my father's business has grown over the years, so has his generosity. They need it and he is the position to give it to them. Whether that be tickets to a sporting event, a meal at a restaurant, or cash to carry someone over to the next month, my father would be the first one to give it to you. And as selfish as I can be at times, I know that this valuable lesson is a part of my family's legacy. I can only pray that God will fill me with this type of generosity and kindness.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
xoxo Y

PS- Thanks to all the girls that signed up for the 21 Day Challenge. I'm so excited about this and I know we can do it! I'm all about the short term goals and I think that we're setting ourselves up for success- especially when we are all here to encourage each other. And I'm loving how some girls are even using this as a weight loss challenge. You can lose a lot of weight in three weeks!

If you missed out on the sign up, click here for the rules and to join.
PPS- I'm going to be revamping Crafty Tuesdays, and making it more accessible to those who aren't so blessed in the hand making department. :) So stay tuned!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

21 day challenge

There's something that happens between the time you take a vacation and the two weeks that follow. It seems like every good routine that you had established up until your vacation started just goes out the window in favor for easier and lazier routines.

So, grab your morning coffee and let's take a look at all the routines that this Southern Housewife has let go of...

1. Rising early to pray and spend time with the Lord- It seems that since we got back from Mexico I've been getting up with Southern Hubby or about 15 minutes before which enables me to quickly throw together some lunch for him, get a pot of coffee started and maybe if I have a couple extra minutes, run a brush through my hair. Yes, isn't this the way a hard working husband wants to see his wife in the morning- eyes barely cracked open, with disheveled hair, holding a crumpled lunch bag with God knows what inside, blowing morning breath kisses in his general direction? That just screams put together housewife, doesn't it?

2. Portion control- The extra 7 lbs on the scale just about sums it up. Grossness.

3. Working out- OK, so I wasn't really perfect about doing this even before we went on vacation, but it was always on the list of things to do! And it goes hand in hand with getting rid of those nasty 7 lbs that aren't letting me button my jeans comfortably.

So, what's a good southern housewife to do?

I'm going to turn it around, that's what!! It's about time I get out of the lazy vacation spell Mexico has so deviously cast on me. First off, let me show off the cleanly scrubbed gorgeous floors I had promised from last week.

Aren't they beautiful?! But guess what- this girl didn't do them. Disappointing, I know. My wonderful SH did them. What a sweetie poo he is, but what a lazy girl I am! I meant to get to them this week, honest! But things get in the way- like blogging, taking pictures with your new camera, and that wretched but addicting show, The Real Housewives of New York (PS- Not a one of them are true housewives.) Excuses, excuses.

Now, let's get back on track and make some goals for this week via the Homemaker's Haven wonderful outline! I love her outline of things to do on Mondays. They are simple, yet highly effective and make it easy to plan out your goals for the week. These are the three things I'm wanting to get back into the habit of doing.

1) Begin Your Day Early With God’s Word- My lack of doing this these past couple weeks is the major reason why my day get's started off on the wrong foot. It is AMAZING how much better your day goes when you rise early and spend some time with the Lord each and every day. I still have been doing my bible studies and prayers, but I do these when SH leaves for work around 8:30. I don't complete it until around 9:30ish and by that time, I should have gotten so much more accomplished! Just making this one change with impact my days for the better dramatically.

I have decided to join Sarah Mae's 5:16 Girls Club. Named after Ephesians 5:16, it encourages wives to get up early before her family. This ensures two things, spending quiet time with the Lord and being prepared spiritually and physically to serve your family's needs. (Be sure to click on all three links as they are filled with wonderful information.)

2) Complete Your Morning Routine- As of now, my morning routine consists of prayer time, making coffee, getting SH off with a nice lunch, a smile and a prayer, taking Southern Puppy out for a potty break and feeding him, and cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast. I also like to glance at my binder for my schedule and things that need to get done. Mondays are for meal planning as well as making the grocery list and gathering coupons.

3) Plan A Project/Goal for the week- This week, I think I'm going to tackle the carpets. Steam cleaning can be a pain, but it's nice to see all the gunky water come out from your carpets and down the drain into dirty oblivion. And of course, my goal is to rise early and get my day started the right way!

Who's ready to change her lazy ways? Let's make this a personal challenge! I've read that it takes approximately 21 days to make something a habit. So that means, as of April 5th, we should be well on our way to becoming a better, healthier, happier, more productive wife. . Twenty one days is not that long. We can keep a 3 week attention span without losing interest, right? Let's do it...who is with me?

Post about all the things that you've let go in your life that have lead you down an unproductive road.
  • Then write about the things you want to change and make a new habit in these three weeks.
  • Each Monday, post how you did. Did you complete your goal for the week? When did you slip up and why? Be honest. Let's hold each other accountable!
  • Don't forget to leave comments on the others in the group. Encourage each other! Leave tips on how you were able to get through the week.
  • Sign the linky below so we all know who's participating.
  • Steal this button, put it on your sidebar and link up to this post. It makes it easier to see who's participating.
  • On April 5th, blog about how you think you did. What did you get accomplished in your house? What new habits did you make? How did your changes affect your household, your family, your appearance?

Good luck, ladies! We can do it!

Happy Habit-makin'!

xoxo Y

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Stirring up the hornet's nest

As one commenter put it, "You stirred up a hornet's nest."

I guess I sure did. And while I do think it's wonderful to see so many women passionate about their faith, I was trying to avoid judgement. I think I did so for the most part. There are so many open minded people out there and for that I'm grateful.

To clear a bit up, a decision to leave the Catholic faith has not been made yet. And to be honest, I have yet to be confirmed into the Catholic faith. I call myself one because I grew up as one. I attended Catholic school. I was baptized and married in the Catholic church. I made my Holy Communion and receive the Eucharist. I live the life of a Catholic, but I can't agree with it all. And I'm finding that there are little things here and there in every single 'religion' that I don't agree with. And quite frankly, I do not think that I will find one that aligns with every single one of my beliefs.

I just need to find some place to belong. I want God present. I want fellowship with others on a regular basis. It seems to me that the Episcopal church may just be a compromise but I'd rather do this than be discouraged and not attend church at all. Maybe that's a horrible way of thinking about it to some people out there. But, I don't see it that way. The Episcopal church we are currently thinking of attending hosts the Fireproof Marriage series we've been going to these past couple weeks. We love going and we're definitely bonding with some of the members. I'm feeling more of a sense of belonging in these past couple weeks than I ever did at my current Catholic church.

And yes, I did get involved in this church. I served as head of the Special Needs/Bereavement committee in the Women's group; SH and I were members of the Young Marrieds group; I attended studies and lectures there, and we volunteered from time to time. I tried to make it work there. I wanted to belong there. And I still do.

But at this point in my life, I just don't see myself as a member there. Maybe 10 years down the road I may fit in better. Maybe I'll feel His presence there and I know this is where I belong. But for now, I'm just going to keep on truckin'. I'll keep hopping from one church to the next to see where we fit in. I pray that we find it soon as I know that searching for a church home can be a timely and an emotionally draining task.

So I'd like to thank y'all that offered prayers. I'll keep everyone posted. And I'm curious to know...What makes YOU feel like you belong in a certain church? Do you have those feelings of home when you're at your church? Why? I'd love to know your stories and experiences of Him letting you know he was present!

Happy in Him,
xoxo Y

Friday, March 13, 2009

Search for Religion

"What separates us as believers in Christ is much less than what unites us."
- Pope John XXIII

To say that I've been struggling with the issue of "religion" would be an understatement. As most of you know, I'm Catholic. I've been so since I was born. This religion was all I knew. After many years of private Catholic school, I grew to love the traditions, the reverence, the authority. When I met Southern Hubby it was a comfort to find the his family were devout Catholics as well. (Dating in this day and age can be challenging enough without throwing different religions into the mix.) We had a destination wedding and were married in a historic mission in San Antonio, a beautifully simplistic and rustic Catholic church that is still survives even to this day. So, our marriage is blessed by the Church.

Yet, as SH and I got deeper into our marriage, we became more and more disenchanted with the Church. We couldn't seem to find one that fit our needs- regular fellowship opportunities, a traditional mass (we're not fans of the mega church, electric guitar, hip hop choir type of service), and a Father we could relate to. It was odd to see that even some Catholic churches are reverting to the more contemporary style of worship- one that is very foreign to us. We don't condemn people who partake in this, we just don't understand it and it is not for us. We're old school Catholic, I guess. ;)

Besides the physical part of the Church, there were definitely some things we didn't agree with. Almost reluctantly, we began to branch out and look to other religions. Now the thing about (Christian) religion is, at the heart of it all- we're the same. We're the exact same. We believe one God, our Father, His Son Jesus, the Holy Spirit and thus, the Holy Trinity. That is at the core of our beliefs. What makes us different is all the rest of it. To me, what makes us the same is much more important than what makes us different. And I truly believe this with all of my heart and soul. Never once have I thought that anyone outside of the Catholic faith will be condemned because of their religious choices. Now, I'm going to say something that some may find very controversial- I don't judge other (non Christian) religions either. It's not my place. {Yet sadly, I've had it done to me for my faith. Not by Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, or Hindus. Nope. But by my own Christian brothers and sisters.}

And even though I truly believe this, I'm scared to venture beyond the Catholic religion. I feel like I'm betraying my sweet faith that has gotten me through so much. But there are some issues I don't agree with that I just can't seem to shake. SH and I are actually in the process of trying on other churches for size. Some of them are Catholic. And some of them are Episcopalian. Even though the Episcopal church is so close to the Catholic church, I still find myself nervous. I'm scared. Will I be judged? If so, by who? By God? By my Catholic friends? I don't have answers for these right now. And who knows if I ever will.

I do know that Sunday, SH and I will be going to our very first Episcopal service. I'm sure it will be different. I'm sure some of it will be the same, too. But I need to realize that what's more important is if I feel God there. Do I feel Him in that church, be it Catholic, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist, whatever. Our current Catholic church is brand spankin' new. Marble floors, gorgeous Austin stone throughout, a beautiful eternity type fountain for the Holy water. It'll bring tears to your eyes, it's so heavenly.

But it's sterile. And sometimes it feels empty to SH and I. Is He there for other parishioners? Probably so. But He's not for us. Which makes me think that He doesn't want us here- He doesn't think this is the place that we'll feel close to Him and want to grow with Him and study His word.

Does that mean that all Catholic churches are like this? Heavens no! We've been in some where the Holy Spirit surrounds us, welcomes us. Were they are pretty as our current church? Probably not. Did they have a big projection screen for those people in the back that couldn't see? Probably not. Was their activity center as huge and accommodating as ours? Doubtful. But He was there. And we could feel Him.

So, I'm trying to remind myself that what is most important in the church we find is that He be there, welcoming us and guiding us. What's less important is the name on the church sign, what the people call themselves, and how big and beautiful the church is. I pray He is leading me in the right direction. Because I'd much rather call myself an active Episcopalian, than a Sunday Catholic.

Happy Weekend, y'all!
xoxo Y

PS- Thank you to everyone who wished us well for our anniversary. We had a wonderful day indeed. :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

4 years ago

Four years ago today I married the man who changed my life.

I wasn't in dire straights before we met, but every aspect of my life improved 100% when he came into my life. I can't imagine a man loving me more than my sweet Southern Hubby. I can't imagine a man anymore perfect for me. He compliments me in every way- the calmness to my anxiety, the easy going to my perfectionism, reserved to my outgoing.

I am just so happy and honored that the Lord chose him for me and brought him into my life. I love him more than words can say and marrying him was the smartest thing I ever did. :)

Y Happy Anniversary Southern Hubby! Y
Tonight we'll go to dinner at the restaurant he took me to for our first date. I can't wait. Now I have to find something pretty to wear. Yay! Here are just a couple of pictures from the big day. Enjoy! :)

Happy lovin'
xoxo Y

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Crafty Tuesdays: March 10, 2009 and Gratituesday

Hey everyone! Sorry I've been MIA on the Crafty Tuesdays posts. Hopefully you'll remember it's here and link up!

Today I'm posting about a new design I put up in the shop. I recently ordered some new sterling shapes for my store and loved how thick they were. I knew they'd be perfect for a key chain charm since they're pretty substantial. I just had to make myself myself one, but didn't want to put my full name on there. As you know, I'm a big fan of monograms, so I figured it would be a great compromise. I was very excited to get them up in the shop!

What did you make the week? I'd love to see it!

I'm loving this carnival! I definitely need to remind myself daily of all the things I'm grateful for!

As I sit it my untidy kitchen, today I'm most grateful for being able to stay at home and take care of my little family. I know there are many women who are working right now- who are missing their babies, who are thinking about the million and one things they could be doing to better their family instead of someone else's, who would love to be doing the same laundry I'm dreading instead of staring mindlessly into a computer. Thank you Lord for giving me the opportunity. I pray that I have a servant's heart today and can honor and serve you and my family through the work I do today. Amen. :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Southern Weekends and Homemaker Mondays

We had a great time this weekend. As always, they go by so quickly!

Friday I was able to play around with my {early} anniversary gift. :) Southern Hubby upgraded my camera to the Canon EOS XSi and I'm already in love. My friend K, was able to purchase my former DSLR to pursue her budding photography hobby, so as sad as I was to see it go, I was happy that she was able to use it as it is still a very good camera with only one year of use under its sweet belt.

Our good friends had to go out of state very suddenly to attend a funeral (please keep them in your prayers) so we volunteered to babysit their dog, Rissy. She is such a sweet dog, and Southern Doggy just loves having her around. Well, except when Rissy decides that she want to snuggle with his mommy, and he won't have any of that!

This gave me a great chance to have a little photo shoot using my new camera and a new model!

Saturday night we attended a Saint Patty's day themed birthday party for one of my best girl friends. She is a hoot and I absolutely love hanging out with her. I wore my green Lilly polo although I was contemplating making a green clover applique shirt...then I remembered my poor sewing machine was still being naughty and I haven't been able to take her in to get checked out! So, there went that idea!

This is my friend A on the left. She has been my best friend since the 7th grade. Now, that was back in 1992, so that makes us... way too old! She pretty much knows all there is to know about me and I love her oh so much!

Me and my precious Southern Hubby.

Edit: I'm back for Homemaker Mondays! {Happy Home Mondays and Homemaker Haven}

God has given us another wonderful Monday and I'm actually itching to get to my housework! :) I'm happy to be able to participate in the Homemaker Monday carnivals, as I've missed a couple weeks of it and my routine is showing it!

I've got my coffee.

The buds are beginning to emerge on my beautiful hydrangea flowers. And all is well with my world. :)

This week, I really want to concentrate on floors. I'd like to steam clean the carpets and of course, do the mopping in the foyer, kitchen, breakfast area, and laundry area. Other than that, everything else I can do this week will be icing on the cake.

Steam cleaning my carpets is such a pain and takes forever, but I love knowing that they're may be less of the germies hiding out somewhere in my house.

Happy Monday Cleaning, folks!

xoxo Y

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Boss Goes by Many Names

Every once in a while I get a little reminder that God is not the only on out there on the playing field. He's got some stiff competition, and, unfortunately His work cut out for him.

Some people call him Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, and the list goes on. I don't know what he calls himself, or if it even a he an it or a thing. But I do know that there is evil out there. And they most certainly have a boss.

I contemplated about whether or not to tell this little story. It involves some details about an argument Southern Husband and I had this week. I like to bite my tongue if the opportunity to speak badly about my husband arises. What sort of wife would I be if I was always complaining and putting down my husband in front of others? And quite frankly, these days I rarely have anything to speak ill of. SH is just about close to a perfect husband and any man could get. :) (I'm lucky, I know.) But, like every married couple, there are going to be fights. So, I prayed about it and asked God what he thought I should do. And I really felt that the lesson in here outweighed any negativity that may be said- especially since it was a happy ending.

As I told you previously, we just started attending a Fireproof Marriage series at church. I had signed us up several weeks ago and was really looking forward to it. I kept reminding SH about it, hoping he'd put it in his Blackberry calendar. We started this past Tuesday and I remember last mentioning it to him on Sunday. So Tuesday night comes and as I sat in the bathroom refreshing my make up and waiting for him, I looked at my watch and realized SH was running late. The class started at 7:30pm and the church is in a town about 35 minutes from us. I wanted to leave plenty of time to get there because if there is one thing I hate, it's rushing somewhere.

He finally arrives around 6:45ish. I figure we still have time, so I'm fine. We chat for a bit while I finish up putting on my jewelery and fixing my hair. I ask him if he's ready to get going and he says"For what?" I sourly remind him of the church class, and he does one of those deep groans a 7 year old does when he's asked to take a bath.

And that was all it took.

I immediately went into silent treatment mode and told him I didn't want to go to a marriage class when only half of the married couple really wants to go and the other is dreading it. So, he starts explaining that he didn't really mean the groan in that way. He had forgotten that the class was that night and had it already in his head that he was going to come home and relax and finish up a bathroom project he was anxious to get done. He just sort of felt irritated that his plans were changed at the last minute. I know the feeling he's talking about.

Let me tell y'all, that explanation made it worse. Trying to make him feel even more guilty, I put up the, "I'm not going now" stubborn wife fight. He manages to coax me into the car and we head off with not a minute to spare. Eighty percent of the 35 minute ride over there was ridden in pure silence. The other twenty were filled with me giving him a piece of my mind and him serving the volley right back. I knew there was no way we could enter the Lord's house in that frame of mind, not to mention a marriage seminar! The irony of it all never left the back of my mind. But I wouldn't give in. I couldn't. I knew I was right. I knew he was wrong. No amount of his apologies could make me come out of that bitterness.

Finally we pull up to church in stone cold silence.

He parked our car and immediately grabbed my hand sweetly and turned to face me. He apologized for forgetting and promised me that his forgetfulness in no way reflected how he felt about the actual class. His groan was not one for being upset that he was going nor did it mean his night was ruined. It was just a a last minute change of the plans he had anticipated for his night.

And right there in that church parking lot, I gave up my anger. I forgave him and I let the frustration inside of me release. For some reason, I just let it go completely. He kissed my hand and that was it. We headed into class perfectly happy and ready to learn. It literally ended just as quickly as it had started.

I realized that something just wasn't right with that coincidence. It only took one second for my mood to change from pure contentment to supreme anger and then back again. It was a puzzling feeling but immediately I knew what happened. There was something that did not want us to go to that class. And it most certainly did not want us to learn anything there. The longer we stayed mad at each other, the madder we get, and the less we'd pay attention in a very important class.

*And then it clicked.*

I shook my head and just sort of chuckled. The man of many names did not want us to be there. He's not happy about how much stronger our marriage has been since we gotten back into church, since we've been still in that giddy teenage love after the Family Life's Weekend to Remember, and since we've surrounded ourselves with people who could only strengthen that bond between us and God. He doesn't want to lose me. And he's throwing out his best. He saw his big opportunity in SH's lateness and played me like a fiddle. Once I resigned myself to wanting to be in that angry mood, I was putty in his hands. He knew he had me. And he knew he had SH.

That is until we pulled in and saw the church. And my sweet Lord (I love that song.) was there waiting for us. One look at that church, the church I had never seen before, and my heart lighten. I easily and eagerly received his apology and we moved on with he rest of the night. If you could fast forward a year back, you'd see that that was not like me at all. I held bitterness tightly in my hands. I didn't hand out forgiveness. You had to earn it.

Ive become such a different person in this past year or so because I make time in my schedule for Him. Sometimes I even surprise myself at the way I act. I incorporate Him in to the majority of my day and our world and little family has grown and benefited greatly because of it.

I don't think "the Devil" knew just how strong we really are. Or how powerful God is at changing the attitudes and hearts of married couples. And I think God did this to us on purpose. We needed to go through that fight because things were getting just a bit too disgustingly, nauseatingly cute around here and we needed reminding that there is something out in this world that wants to tear us apart. Outside of the bubble of our church, friends, and family, everything is set to make us fail. So God is always vigilant, but he needs us to be diligent and faithful.

But I don't worry much. Eventually, we'll get lured back into the Devil's game and when we do, I know my sweet Lord will be there to lift us out of it again.

Happy Friday, y'all!
xoxo Y

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Praying for Your Husband, Loving Him, and Following His Lead: Part Two

I'm back again with the last part of this bloggy mini series. Thanks for sticking it out with me!

We last left off talking about submitting to our husbands. I was so impressed and happy to see so many women respond so positively to submission. I know we're in our own little bubble of happy housewives and women of faith, but it will all get around soon enough. When your marriage and home life are strong, you're a happier, more optimistic person. I pray that through God, someone in need of Him will see you and will wonder how you can be so happy in a country in an economic down slide and full of immorality, poverty, and crime. And you'll tell them- you're following His plan. And that when you do, He rewards you greatly.

Pretty soon, their life is turned upside down and they're living for Him and with Him everyday of their lives. Then they're the happy ones that get to spread God's love to others. And the cycle will continue. At least I hope it does. :) I really do think that God is using our blogs as a way of reaching out to others in need- our own missionary work, Internet style. :) To be honest, it was several blogs I was reading that got me to want to be the wife and homemaker that I know I could be and wanted to be. I just needed that push to ask God to be in our marriage with us. I could only hope to be such a blessing to someone else.

Anyway, let's get back on track and talk about praying for your husband, shall we?

I recently came up on a wonderfully simple 30 day challenge for praying for your hubby. I immediately printed it out and put it in my home binder. I was deep in my Excellent Wife study and I knew I would not be able to devote the time that this challenge needed. Unfortunately, before I was able to get back to it, I had already signed us up for an awesome 6-week Fireproof Bible study series at a church we are 'trying on for size' and again knew that I didn't have the time. Then I realized you have to make time for prayer. The same way you'd make time for a nap, or for perusing blogs. The time is there- I just have to use it wisely. So I'm going to start including one more prayer in my morning time with God. It won't take long, but the benefits will last a lifetime.

I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with Nancy Leigh DeMoss, but something in my heart is telling me that one of you out there really needs this challenge right now. Something just isn't right in your marriage. Maybe you're not on the brink of divorce, but the honeymoon is definitely over and the isolation is beginning to creep in. So pray.

Praying makes miracles happen, so imagine what sort of changes your marriage will see when you begin praying for your husband. Again, this goes along with loving your husband and putting him before yourself. When you pray for someone, not only is that person blessed, but you are growing spiritually as well. When you see the changes happening, your faith in the Lord will grow by leaps and bounds.

I truly hope that if you are that one person, you listen to your heart and open your ears to God. Do what is right. Don't hold on to anger and past resentments. The 'eye for an eye' theory just doesn't hold up in marriage. Do not let isolation get one foot in your door! You don't have to have a relationship with another person to be having an affair. His mistress could be the TV, or the Internet. You could be cheating your husband out of your love by always spending time out with the girls, or shopping, or falling deep into romance novels. Cut out the things that are keeping your physically and emotionally apart. Pray for him and for each other. Invite God to be apart of your marriage. Then get ready to see the miracles happen.

Happy lovin' on your hubby!
xoxo Y

PS I realized I forgot Crafty Tuesday yesterday. I'm so sorry but it was a crazy afternoon and busy evening. I'll be back with it next week. Save your projects until then!