Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Better late than never... and this and that


Well, I'm late for Homemaker Haven/Happy Home Mondays but I really love this carnival and I love supporting it, so I'm going to post it mid week.

The Southern Housewife's Goals for February 9th-13th:

1. I am still trying to get into the groove of my morning routine. This is what I'm doing so far and I'm really enjoying it:

Bible Reading- I am trying to read the Bible every day but as I said before, I won't be held to the year deadline. After I read my assigned passages, I try to just sit still and think about it for 15 minutes so I can absorb what I have just read and apply the readings to my life.

I did a bit of research, and from what I read, it is better not to go through the Bible from page 1 until the end. (Can anyone confirm this?) Since it is not in chronological order, I found a very easy Bible Reading Plan for Beginners online and this is what I'm choosing to do. (Has anyone completed this plan? I'd love to hear thoughts.) I still support City on a Hill's Bible Reading Challenge, so I'll keep the button up.

Homemakers By Choice- Each morning I listen to Donna and friends talk about things that apply to homemakers like me. I'm loving it! I enjoy listening to her and her daughter Annisa. I always have my journal and pen in hand to write down anything I find important. They recently went over the discipline of fasting, and it got me thinking about working on this.

If you haven't heard one of her podcasts yet, I highly encourage you to check it out. They aren't long- anywhere from 20-30 minutes so it goes hand in hand with a nice cup of coffee or tea. :) Please check their website out as well.

2. I want to clean out my refrigerator. It needs it. It stinks. It's gross. That's all I'm gonna say about that one. Look for before and after pictures.....well, maybe.


When I first started my adventures in homemaking, I was really hoping for a magazine that was uplifting as well as offered some great tips on recipes, meal planning, decor, time management, and all the other things that we homemakers struggle with.

I don't know how it happened, but I came across Homemakers magazine a couple months ago. I don't have to tell you how excited I was! I immediately looked for a way to subscribe to the magazine, but saw that this was a Canadian magazine. :( Back then, I couldn't find a way for them to send their mags to the US. Fortunately, I kept checking back every so often and today was my lucky day! They finally started spreading some Homemakers love to us. :)

If you want to subscribe, sign up via this link. For some reason, when I tried signing up using the one on their front page, it lead me to a total of $30. But when I tried the other way, by going into their 'store', it gave me the advertised price of 9 issues for $9.95- a steal! I'll let you know if I encounter any problems with doing it this way.

And lastly, I was hoping we could all pray for those families who lost their homes and loved ones yesterday in Oklahoma. A lot of Texas got the ugly leftovers from the weather but thankfully, no tornadoes. Unfortunately, it was reported as of last night, that there are already 3 confirmed deaths and 20+ injuries. Please pray that God is watching out for them. Pray that they are finding comfort in Him right now and listening for any messages or lessons he may be teaching them using this situation. Thanks guys.

Happy fridge cleaning and magazine reading!!
xoxo Y

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