Monday, July 6, 2009

Want to see my messy writing?

Today, I woke up to an email from Miss Amanda over at Kevin and Amanda. Now, if you haven't heard of her, where have you been?! Sashay your behind over there, you just must! She is a super talented, super cool gal. And she's pretty much my new photography BFF.

Have you noticed all the adorable fonts that I'm decorating with? Well, they're from Amanda. And she did them. And she's offering them over at her place. And they're free. Free. We don't hear that word too often nowadays, so I had to say it again. Oh, and her photography is uh-may-zing.

AND, she made my handwriting into a font! Ack!!! I'm pretty much obsessed with my handwriting now, even though it's not nearly as cute as the others. She must have had pity on this poor southern soul.

This morning, I typed up a love note in my new handwriting font on Word and showed it to Southern Hubby.

Me: Hey, look at this! *beaming at my "I love you, Southern Hubby!" message written on the screen*

SH: Huh? *shaving* What is it? I can't read it.

Me: Come look. It's a message for you.

SH: *Squinting at the screen with his face half fuzzy, reading the note* Oh. Yeah. Love you, too.

Me: Nooo, look at it! Don't you notice anything different?!! *slowly realizing I married a normal guy and he's probably N.I.D, not into details. (10 points if you can name that movie)*

SH: *looks at me like I have hideous morning crusties in my eye*

Me: *with hideous morning crusties in my eye* It's my handwriting! It looks just like my handwriting! See!

SH: *stealing all my morning glory* Well, not really. But sort of. I guess. *heads back into the bathroom to finish shaving*

Well, at least I have y'all to share this momentous occasion with! Am I being crowned Queen of Texas? No. But this is just about as cool. And I don't have to cut any ribbons at the grand opening of Diary Queens. So there.

Happy starting the week over day!
xoxo Y

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