Monday, January 31, 2011

Thankful for the Messes

This morning, after I sent Southern Hubby off to work, I scanned my kitchen and scowled at the messiness of it all. It soured me to know that my kitchen was a wreck from breakfast and that there were still dishes in the sink left over from last night's dinner and a full dishwasher.

Suddenly (and graciously) I was moved by Him, once again. I looked at my messy stove top and was moved to thankfulness. Thankful for the food we had to prepare that filled our stomachs, thankful for an employed husband to send off to work, thankful for an range to cook on, thankful for another glorious morning seen.

I didn't mind this unsightly cheese crumb. Because it meant that we were both the recipient of God's abundant love and grace.

I'm reminding myself not to focus on the material things of life. When I say, "I'm blessed," I'm not meaning because I have a nice truck in my garage or a roof over my head. It doesn't mean because I have clothes in my closet, or a laptop on which I blog. I'm blessed because I have friends and family, a sweet husband, two sweet dogs. I'm blessed because I have a heart for God and pursue him passionately. I'm blessed because I get to explore this world with an ever expanding heart filled with love for the people all around me.

I'm blessed because I'm starting to become thankful in all of life's messes.

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