Friday, August 14, 2009

Yesterday was a bad day

I don't know if I've mentioned this on my blog, but I am active in animal rescue. Of course y'all know how much I love animals, but may not have known that I try to get abused or neglected animals out of horrible living conditions. Prime example, is Mr. Matty, Sweet Matty, my precious baby.

Right now, I'm trying to help Snow, a beautiful shepard/husky mix, get out of a living situation where his owner does not like him, or want him, and keeps him chained in her backyard. This 100 degree Texas heat must cause him so much pain. From what I understand she gives him the basics, food and water, and nothing more. She does not want him there, plain and simple.

Well, yesterday this owner decides that she wants to be in charge of getting to choose which home he goes to. And she doesn't want to surrender him to a foster home. I offered my home until we could find a suitable one. She's having none of it.
I'm so upset, so disappointed, so confused and most of all, I'm so angry. I don't get people sometimes. I don't understand the way some of them think or why they do the bad things they do.

Then I go look at Missy.

Missy's picture arrived in a thank you letter from Yorkie Haven Rescue. I do as much as I can for that Houston organization, even though I'm far away. Whenever I think I'm not doing enough, or reaching enough people, or feel that people will never change their ways, I have to walk myself to my fridge and look at Missy, remembering her story and how far she's come.

I have to remind myself that I'm doing this for her. Even if I'm only able to reach one, that is one life spared.

And then last night I hear that Vick signed a million dollar deal with the Eagles. That was it for the night. My anger went through the roof and I had to go to bed. How did it get to be where a psychotic man can hang 3 dogs for not fighting good enough, drown one by forcing its head under water, and crack another's skull by slamming it into cement over and over, and still get paid millions of dollars?

Can someone explain that one to me?

I have no words for what I feel about Vick. Loathe comes to mind, but it's mostly expressed in the sick to my stomach feeling I get whenever I hear his name or am reminded of the crimes he committed.

I am not in a very good mood to blog right now, so I'll be taking a breather and will hopefully return in better spirits on Monday. I guess all I can do is combat evil by trudging on, helping when I can, and carrying Missy's heart with me wherever I go.
xoxo Y

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