Monday, December 27, 2010

Why I Love Aprons

I am a firm lover of aprons. I always wonder why they have been given such a bad rap. It isn't too often that I see women wearing aprons any more. The feminist movement declared them shackles to the home. I might be in the minority, but I love being 'shackled to my home.'

Because I have devoted my time and energy to my home, it is a place of love and refuge for us. And each day that I do the things that some women now consider drudgery, I'm wearing a beloved apron. The pockets hold mismatched socks and the mail. The bib keeps my clothes from getting soiled and wet. And when I tie on the strings, I'm reminded that this is exactly where I want to be.

Aprons are feminine and beautiful. To me, they are more than ties to home in terms of the cooking and cleaning. When I don my apron, I'm expressing my role as a female and where I stand in my marriage. I'm a wife and a homemaker. And that does not put me behind Southern Hubby. We both regard my job just as important as his.

I think they should be cherished, for they speak of our creativity and resourcefulness as women in today's demanding and often chaotic world. They remind us of simpler times gone by when being a homemaker and mother was an honorable job.

I'm thrilled to hear they are making a small comeback. Hopefully women will see them for what they truly are- a beautiful symbol of what it means to be a woman and the glorious work that God has entrusted us to do. 

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