Monday, December 13, 2010

Secrets to a Joyful Home

While I'd like to think I channel Donna Reed and Martha Stewart while performing my homemaker duties, cheery and creative disposition is not always the case.

Sometimes I can be quite grumpy and I know it needs to stop. I'm so privileged to be a homemaker and caretaker of my family.

I'm trying to take stock of the times I'm the grumpiest so I know how to prevent a "Roseanne" attack from coming. Cause really, who wants to be married to her?

Here are just a few things I've noticed that keep me in the best of housekeeping moods...

credit: Country Living

Keep laundry maintained: Nothing sets my teeth on edge more than laundry room full of overflowing dirty clothes bins. For my family, all it takes is one load per day to keep us looking organized like the picture above (which sadly is not my laundry room)

Keep your dining room table for eating: I can't tell you how many homes I've walked into where the dining room (or breakfast table) was the home to careless clutter! A dining room is for just that-dining. It's not for housing the bills, or the laundry (see above) or the kid's school project.

While I admit, I do sometimes craft on my dining room table because it is so large, I clean up afterwards. Once I had a quilting project stay on my table for weeks and I winced every single time company stopped by, or I even passed by the room. It was an eyesore. So, do your mood a favor and keep it nice and tidy.

Invest in picture frames: Don't keep your cherished memories locked away. Frame them and show off your family! Every time I walk by a framed picture, I'm taken back to that specific memory. What a joyful thing it is to walk about your house and get to smile each time you walk through a room.

Be thankful: No matter if you have 1000 sq.ft of space, or 10,000 sq.ft., be thankful for what God has given you. Discontentment means that you don't trust God's judgement to give you what he thinks is best for you. Be thankful for the roof you do have over your head and work to make it a welcoming place to come home to.

Have parties: There is no better way to create special memories in your home than to invite people over for parties! It brings a special energy to the house and let's you flex your hospitality muscles. It also gives you something to work towards to beautifying your home- whether it's mopping those floors, or mowing the grass.

Candles: This one goes without saying. I'm always uplifted when I light my candles. Always. And more often than not, it puts me in the mood to make my surroundings as clean and homey as possible. I once told Southern Hubby that the greatest compliment someone can give me about my home is that it smells good. Hearing that just makes my soul soar! :) My favorites are Circle E, Luxe, and Tyler Candle Co. I just ordered some Scentsy stuff so we'll see how that goes. ;)

Be prepared for unexpected guests: Nothing puts me in the worst of moods like when there is a knock at my door and I know that I'm not prepared for guests. Whether it be an un-made bed, direty guest bathroom or a sink full of dishes, I'm always so embarrassed! Keep your home as if you were expecting someone to drop by. Might I add that this also includes having several different drinks on stock for people's different tastes. I can become quite mortified when all I have to offer people to drink is water and Diet Mountain Dew. Yipes!


Theses are just a few things that I like to keep in mind while I go about my daily life. It really takes quite the effort to keep a home maintained and clean. I really do applaud those women who go out there and work for most of the day, only to come home and have to do what I do at night. Thank God we women are equipped to handle the stresses of daily life. :)

Are there any tips you have for keeping a happy and joyful home? I'd love to hear them!

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