Monday, March 8, 2010

My anonymous friends

I'm not a fan of anonymous posts. In fact, I really, really dislike them.

First of all, spammers use this method to spread their dumb sites. And I reject those because if I hate having to sort through them, I know you'd hate reading them.

Secondly, blog writers get the occasional snarky, weird comments and 99.9% of them hide behind the anonymous option. Not that these comments keep me up at night. I can take fair criticism. But sometimes I'd truly like to respond to them personally/privately and I'm not able to when I don't have their email. One comment in particular made me raise my eyebrows... And please know I'm not meaning to be snarky in my own right, as I don't think this person was trying to be mean.

They mentioned something about me being "less of a homemaker and more of just unemployed." My first response was to immediately list what I've been doing each day in order to take care of my family. But as I thought more and more about it, I began to think about the blogging community as a whole. This person also mentioned how much they used to enjoy reading my homemaking posts and because I had not posted any recently, they assummed I must not be doing anything at home. Of course this couldn't be further from the truth, as we are in the middle of a move, but to an outsider's view, I guess I could see how it would seem so.

Suddenly I realized how easily I could have been this commenter. I do depend on certain blog writers to update their blogs regularly. I check daily and wait eagerly. For example, Aunt Ruthie- oh man, I love that gal! And my heart skips a beat when I see she's written a new post. She just wrote a wonderful post mentioning that as much as she loves blogging, she loves her family and home more.

"I decided that my evenings are to be spent with my husband and family…..not working on a project or at the computer blogging or surfing the Internet. As much as I LoVe, LoVe, LOVE blogging and reading all the fabulous blogs and web sites that are available out there, I have to put a limit on my time devoted to that. Seriously, I could spend hours on the Net …it’s that fascinating to me! But that would not be wise or fruitful. There are people to love and feed and a home to take care of! That’s why my blog- posts are usually every other week, it’s because I need to treasure my family and take care of my home. As you know my blog is about happy homemaking….well what kind of a homemaker would I be if I neglected my family and home? If I’m gonna talk the talk, I’ve got to walk the walk."

And once I read that, I knew that's what I needed to do. Actually, I knew it all along, but sometimes you just need to hear it once more for it to sink in. So, I hung back a bit, only blogging when I really wanted to, when I was itching to get things out of my crazy brain, and definitely when I had down time and wasn't taking any time away from Southern Hubby.

So, rather than turn this into a silly rant where I defend myself, I just want to point out that just because blog writers don't write daily, doesn't mean we're not doing anything. I try to restrain from writing about the mundane. Believe me, I've probably saved you a couple hundred posts alone that are just Matty and Jacks pictures! :)

And in the spirit of reciprocity, I need to remind myself to give my fellow blog writers the same respect and space. I'm sure Aunt Ruthie could give a flying poot that I wait on pins and needles to gobble up more pictures of her lovely home and nuggest of homemaking wisdom. I've just learned so much from her and reading her words inspire me a great deal. She's the real deal when it comes to prioritizing- faith first, then family and friends, then everything else.

I promise to try to start rotating some more homemaking posts back into my blog. (It's going to be a little hard as we move and go through showings and open houses.) But I'd sincerely appreciate a little break every now and then- I'm truly trying to fit it all in- faith, home, friends, furbabies, crafting, blogging, Life Group, Women's Bible Study homework (Beth Moore knows how to pile it on, y'all!) reading, ect. Whew!
Hope everyone is having an awesome week. I've got some posts coming up on an AMAZING new artist I found as well as our upcoming 5 year anniversary! Yikes!! :) I'm trying to stay dry here in North Texas- the rain is crazy!


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