Monday, November 9, 2009

Preppy Blogger of the Week: EKM's Epigrams

Please forgive the lateness of this post. I went to the doc this weekend, and I have bronchitis. Bronchitis! Ugh. I'm so depressed. I've seriously been sick for almost two weeks now. The weather here is gorgeous and I'm missing it all. I'm so tired of being in my bed. My laundry pile is ginormous. I'm getting behind on my orders. And I miss hanging out with my friends. Ok, enough whining. I just had to vent.

On with this week's PBoTW:

This week, Hopsy and I chose EKM's Epigrams. After one of the greatest bbm chats eva, I soooo love EKM. She totally gets me and I love her for that. And her blog is such a great read...full of wonderful stories and positivity. Love that! So, grab some coffee and settle in for an interview with one fab gal. I promise, by the end of reading this, you'll love her, too. ;)

1. How did you come up with your blog name?

I am a literature/word nerd (read: major book worm!), and love alliteration and terms that mean witty things. I would've loved to have used 'musings' but alas, I needed an 'E' word so there came 'epigrams'.

2. What preppy item could you not live without; aka the one thing you would take with you to a deserted preppy island?

Assuming there is clean water and limes for me to have lime water... :); I would say sun block and I guess I would have to invest in a Kindle so I could read as much as I wanted!! And by deserted, I hope that means resort!

3. Who is your preppy icon?

Well one of the first blogs I read was Hopsy's (KappaPrep) and fell in love immediately with her charm and her cheerfulness! Of course, any one would be jealous of her TDF Lilly collection! I also really love Megan's (PrettyinPinkMeg) style. She isn't always "preppy pink and green," but she is definitely classy and can put things together I would never imagine!

4. Where do you find your daily blog inspiration?

Sometimes it comes from conversations (many gchats with Muffy!), what's going on in my life, what's on my mind (which could be who knows what because my mind has a million things on it at all times!), or just something I might have read. I enjoy reading inspirational quotes and try to live up to "weekly wisdom," but I do fail at posting consistently!

5. What is your favorite preppy photo of yourself?

This picture is from this summer when SilverFox and I attended a reception in Auburn for his childhood friend/college roommate. He married in St. Lucia over Memorial Day (we went for the wedding) and had a nice reception for family and friends in Auburn! I love this Lilly print and the halter is very flattering. I am wearing my pearls I received for graduation from high school and my pearl/diamond earrings match the same ring that I received as a present from my parents for my first debutante ball. My antique sapphire/diamond ring I received for Valentines when I was 16 and my John Hardy black sapphire bracelet. I wear this jewelry everyday! Probably too dressy, but it is sentimental and I love it. I feel "nekkid" without earrings.

6. If you could have one celeb's wardrobe including shoes and bags, whose would you get?

I'm not sure of a celebrity, but I would gladly take Shasta's (MyBlondeReality) or Megan's (PrettyinPinkMeg) any day!!!!! I really love classic pieces that are timeless and these lovely ladies own a lot of pieces I would love to have!

7. What clubs, societies, or volunteer organizations are you involved in? Were you in a sorority in college?

I am an Alpha Delta Pi alumnae! I am currently VP Hospitality of the Public Relations chapter here at Auburn and I am an assistant copy editor for the student-run newspaper. So that is a lot of time. I used to volunteer more, but can't find as much time for it now! I was on Lobby Board last year which is a part of the SGA. I also was presented in a couple of debutante balls, we tried to do some philanthropic work with that, too. I know my mother is excited for me to turn 23 so I can be in Junior League. She is a sustainer and I know she will love to have me as a member! I look forward to other organizations that I can be apart of in the future!

8. What were your plans for the weekend?

This weekend was Auburn Homecoming! One of my best friends was Top 5 for Miss Homecoming so I was excited to see who would win! Although she didn't, another great girl did and she is in the same major as me, which is great!! My sister and I have had a very relaxed weekend! She has had some sinus crud so we didn't want to do much. She is 7 years younger than me, so it is nice to catch up with her.

9. Describe your perfect preppy outfit. Don't forget to include accessories.

I am definitely a spring/summer wardrobe type of gal--I know it's been said, but I just love a classic Lilly dress! Shift, Halter, Strapless, whatever! I love Tibi, too. But can't go wrong with LP! I'd pair it with Jack Rogers and a cute clutch. Although I usually just have my blackberry and my Lilly keychain wallet with me! I also always wear my RayBan sunglasses and I have a cute green polka dot Tucker Blair headband (my favorite is the orange/blue stripped-War Eagle!). I'd of course pair it with said jewelry wardrobe.

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