Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Are you 'Poo Free?

I just came across an article the other day about going 'poo free- "shampoo" free, that is. (You didn't think I'd talk about real poo, did you?)

At first glance, a small shiver went down my back. I have a very low tolerance for other people's hair, especially if it's super oily. To me, oily = stinky and gross and I don't want it anywhere near me. I could never be a hair stylist, so bless you to all those who can tolerate other people's hair, cause someone has to do it. I have a weird aversion to feet too, but that's another post another time.

Basically, the theory behind going shampoo free is to save your hair from the harsh cleaning agent that it really is. There are plenty of unpronounceable chemicals in your shampoo that aren't good for you, especially when they run down your skin. And we all know that skin is the largest organ we have. I never thought about what is seeping into my skin. Most shampoos will also contain mineral oil, which (I didn't know until recently) is a byproduct produced when gasoline is distilled from crude oil. Ummm, yuck.

So what can you use?
After reading on it just a bit, I found that the most natural, cost effective, and eco-friendly way to clean your hair is to use what most of you probably have in your cupboards- baking soda. Apparently, it's wonderful for your hair, cleans it and leaves it fresh and naturally shiny. I've also read that if your hair is super fine, you can also just rinse it with water. I have thick, curly/wavy hair that is prone to oil at the roots and dryness at the tips, so I won't be going that route.

But what if you're a conditioner addict like me?

The eco-hippies have you covered for that one too! (I heart you, eco-hippies!) ;) A quick apple cider vinegar rinse is said to detangle the hair follicles, balance the pH of your hair and seal the cuticles. When mixed with water, the mildly acidic vinegar helps counteract the baking soda.

I'm still not 100% sure. I'm sure it's all well and good, but I'm seriously a foam and lather addict. If I don't get that foamy feel, I don't feel my hair is clean. I'll suds up again, apparently, stripping more oils from my scalp, which cause me to use more conditioner, which makes my hair more oily. And the wretched cycle continues.

So, I think I'm going to give a shot. Not just yet, I want to read up a little more on it. But, what's the harm in trying for a week or two? Anyone out there have any experiences they'd like to share in going 'poo free?
I'll let you know how it goes either way! 

For more information on going shampoo free, visit:

Natural Forces
5 Minutes for Going Green

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