Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Praying for Your Husband, Loving Him, and Following his Lead: Part 1

SOUTHERN HOUSEWIFE WARNING: Controversial topics ahead. Proceed with caution and an open mind. :)

I just finished listening to a short broadcast series on submission by Family Life. And I loved it! Even though I'm several books deep into being the kind of wife God wants me to be, I still learned many things by seeing situations through the eyes of a woman who has many years of experience.

Sometimes I want to blog about submission, but I hesitate. I think twice. In these times it's a 4 letter word, isn't it? Women either scoff, laugh, or get downright mean and defensive. "We're setting women back a 50 years!" or "We're equal- he will never boss me around!"

And they're half right- we are created equal in marriage. God loves us all the same. But, someone has to lead. There can't be too many cooks in the kitchen. Not everyone gets to be the President of the country. And we can't all be CEOs. Someone has to take the lead or else chaos will ensue. And for whatever divine reason He had, He wanted the man to be the leader of the family.

The series does a good job of explaining submission and how to submit with a respectful heart and attitude. It also definitely touched on several controversial topics, such as putting your husband before your children, not the other way around. It was amazing to hear a woman admit that she sometimes struggles with putting her children's needs before her husband's and the Bible says that is absolutely wrong. Today's mom wants to be super mom. Supermom can handle the slumber parties, and the soccer games, and the ballet recitals, and at the end of the day have a delicious and healthy dinner on the table with enough time left over to scrub down the kitchen. But in order for that to happen, sometime (or more likely someone) has to be sacrificed. More often than not, it's the husband.

I really feel strongly about this. I love my husband. It needs to be said twice- I love my husband. And if God decides that he wants us to have a child, I will love that baby with my whole being. But at the end of the day, it's Southern Hubby who's going to be by my side on that rocking chair on the porch. He'll be the one driving the RV when we travel the USA. My child will be living their own life, God willing, in a fantastic marriage with them putting their spouse ahead of everything (besides their fait and the Church). I don't want to spend 18 years with my child as the center of my world and then become emptynesters with nothing in common and no intimate growth between us for so long. My marriage would crumble fast. The center of my world should over course, be God, with Southern Hubby in second, and then my child.

One of the greatest gifts you can give your children is having them know that you and your husband have a fantastic marriage. And if the mom willingly and respectfully lets her husband take the lead of the family, they are showing their daughter a glimpse of what her role will be as a wife. And they are showing their son what his responsibilities are as a husband when he gets married.

Just thought I'd give you an idea of what my Bible study has be in the past couple days. I was really excited to hear the broadcasts cause I love Donna Otto and her Otto Mottos! :) I highly encourage wives to read it. Let me know what you think about it! I'd love to hear your comments on it!

Tomorrow: Praying for Your Husband, Loving Him, and Following Him: Part 2

Happy Husband submitting and loving!
xoxo Y

*Here the link to Oprah's show on the topic and the woman who wrote the controversial article in the New York Times.

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