I'm back again with the last part of this bloggy mini series. Thanks for sticking it out with me!
We last left off talking about submitting to our husbands. I was so impressed and happy to see so many women respond so positively to submission. I know we're in our own little bubble of happy housewives and women of faith, but it will all get around soon enough. When your marriage and home life are strong, you're a happier, more optimistic person. I pray that through God, someone in need of Him will see you and will wonder how you can be so happy in a country in an economic down slide and full of immorality, poverty, and crime. And you'll tell them- you're following His plan. And that when you do, He rewards you greatly.
Pretty soon, their life is turned upside down and they're living for Him and with Him everyday of their lives. Then they're the happy ones that get to spread God's love to others. And the cycle will continue. At least I hope it does. :) I really do think that God is using our blogs as a way of reaching out to others in need- our own missionary work, Internet style. :) To be honest, it was several blogs I was reading that got me to want to be the wife and homemaker that I know I could be and wanted to be. I just needed that push to ask God to be in our marriage with us. I could only hope to be such a blessing to someone else.
Anyway, let's get back on track and talk about praying for your husband, shall we?
I recently came up on a wonderfully simple 30 day challenge for praying for your hubby. I immediately printed it out and put it in my home binder. I was deep in my Excellent Wife study and I knew I would not be able to devote the time that this challenge needed. Unfortunately, before I was able to get back to it, I had already signed us up for an awesome 6-week Fireproof Bible study series at a church we are 'trying on for size' and again knew that I didn't have the time. Then I realized you have to make time for prayer. The same way you'd make time for a nap, or for perusing blogs. The time is there- I just have to use it wisely. So I'm going to start including one more prayer in my morning time with God. It won't take long, but the benefits will last a lifetime.
I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with Nancy Leigh DeMoss, but something in my heart is telling me that one of you out there really needs this challenge right now. Something just isn't right in your marriage. Maybe you're not on the brink of divorce, but the honeymoon is definitely over and the isolation is beginning to creep in. So pray.
Praying makes miracles happen, so imagine what sort of changes your marriage will see when you begin praying for your husband. Again, this goes along with loving your husband and putting him before yourself. When you pray for someone, not only is that person blessed, but you are growing spiritually as well. When you see the changes happening, your faith in the Lord will grow by leaps and bounds.

I truly hope that if you are that one person, you listen to your heart and open your ears to God. Do what is right. Don't hold on to anger and past resentments. The 'eye for an eye' theory just doesn't hold up in marriage. Do not let isolation get one foot in your door! You don't have to have a relationship with another person to be having an affair. His mistress could be the TV, or the Internet. You could be cheating your husband out of your love by always spending time out with the girls, or shopping, or falling deep into romance novels. Cut out the things that are keeping your physically and emotionally apart. Pray for him and for each other. Invite God to be apart of your marriage. Then get ready to see the miracles happen.
Happy lovin' on your hubby!
xoxo Y
PS I realized I forgot Crafty Tuesday yesterday. I'm so sorry but it was a crazy afternoon and busy evening. I'll be back with it next week. Save your projects until then!
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