Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What the realtor won't show you.

It's official. Our house went on the market this week. This whole thing has been so very scary and very exciting all at the same time (but mostly really scary). We've been fluttering around here like busy little bees getting the house ready for the website pictures. Yesterday, we had a cleaning lady come and give it a good deep clean. Our realtor said to expect showings asap so we've been in speed mode for about a week now.

And I still don't feel ready.

I was a little bummed when the realtor (who told me about a gazillion times that she used to be a home stager for million dollar homes) pretty much made my house devoid of any warmth and personality. I was expecting to take down all personal pictures, but not all my floral arrangements, too! Not my birdcages! Not my topiaries!

*photographs taken by the realtor team

Ok, ok, so maybe I'm exaggerating just a smidge. They did come out better than I thought thanks to their professional photographer. But to me, it seems a little cold and sterile. I know that's what people want when they're looking for a home- cleanliness and order. So, I'll stop being a big baby.

Besides, my biggest worry is what I'm going to do with this forest that's now growing in my kitchen.

Anyone got any bright ideas? ;)


PS. Can I just say that I. Seriously. Love. You. All. I couldn't have imagined all the wonderful and supportive comments and emails I got. Blogging is such an amazing way to connect with people and I've made some wonderful friends through my blog. Thank you, thank you for your uplifting words.

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