Is there anyone out there that is a raw food nut or a vegan? Southern Hubby and I are watching Food Inc
. and Oh. Em. Gee. I IMPLORE you to watch this movie. It's not so much political as it is big corporation. Very scary stuff. We're beginning to rethink all our food choices. More money on food = less money on health care.
Remember a while (emphasis on while) back I started drinking green smoothies each morning? Well, that definitely didn't last long since the holidays (and all the food that comes with them!) were just around the corner. Sadly, I didn't revisit the green smoothie until just recently.
Isn't a marvel how the human body is so keen on telling you that you're putting the wrong things in it? First, it starts slowing down- always wanting to sleep, always feeling bloated and sluggish. Then, it tries to get your attention by making those pesky numbers higher on your scale. And when that doesn't work, it starts making you crave raw food- fruits, veggies, green, green, green!
And that pretty much sums up how I've been feeling for the past couple weeks. I finally did something about it this week by bringing the green smoothies back into my diet and the mid afternoon naps have disappeared. My energy level is finally climbing!
After seeing the movie and reading a whole bunch of scary articles, I seem to be on yet another mission to make my body whole and clean again.
I'd love to hear from anyone out that knows a bit more about this lifestyle (and it definitely is one) Good stores? Good blogs? Good recipe books?
Oh, and those scary articles? Here ya go!
- On high fructose corn syrup
- On food dyes (Oh, Lordy..)
- On milk (so sad!)
- On meat
PS- If you do watch this movie (and you reallllly should) be warned. There are some brutal animal violence scenes. I definitely had to cover my eyes and plug my ears to drown out their sad and frightened cries.
PPS- After reading some comments, I just have to point out that in no way am I going full raw or vegan just yet. For me, it would have to be a very gradual process. These thoughts are just what have been going through my head lately.
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