This week, I started a new bible study at church called,
Breaking Free, by Beth Moore. While I'm not super familiar (or that comfortable) with her evangelical way of teaching, I have definitely enjoyed these first few homework lessons.
Last night, I read about the 5 things that God wants for us, his children. They are:
1. To know God and believe Him
2. To glorify God
3. To find satisfaction in God
4. To experience God's peace
5. To enjoy God's presence
I understand what they all mean, and although I aspire to do all five, I'm stuck on several. Number 5 in particular has me very frustrated.
It's funny how He brings things into your life at the exact moment you need them. Lately, I've been struggling in my prayer time with Him. I pray. I speak to God. I praise Him for all that He's done in my life. I ask for help and guidance. But I can't hear Him speak to me. And when I *think* I do, I begin to doubt myself- "Was that really just me saying the things I want to hear?"
When I try to quiet my mind, I feel the pressure of 100 thought knocking, trying to push their way in. "Did I feel the boys breakfast yet?", "What am I going to make Southern Hubby for lunch today?", "I really need gas in the truck; it's almost on empty." Not one thought profound, and not one thought from Him.
I get so jealous when I hear women tell me that God spoke to them, and told them to do this or that. Why can't I hear Him? What is blocking me from hearing what He wants me do or how He wants me to handle a certain situation?
Is there anyone else out there that struggles with this, like I do? Am I the only one that can't hear Him? What do you do when you have the weight of the world trying to barge in on your quiet time with God?
Happy to enjoy His presence!
xoxo Y
PS- I'm taking little break from Smallest Blessings Thursday. I don't think it will be for that long, but the summer is getting busier and busier and I'm finding myself with less time to blog. I hope to start it up again in the next month or so. Until then, please keep looking for those small gifts that God gives us all.