Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Spirit of Meekness

The lovely view from our front porch of our town's annual 4th of July celebration.
These were take this past Saturday.

Southern Hubby often jokingly calls me his 'little firecracker.' I playfully feign hurt feelings, but inside I know he's right. And I'm proud of it. I let my opinions be known to all who will listen. I can be demanding and bossy. I'd like to think I'm a girl that knows what she wants and how to get it. I'm very self-assured and confident about who I am on the inside.

And while the world may applaud me and consider me a strong individual, I'm beginning to see that God doesn't share those same views. In our society, we are taught to be self-assertive and self- assured. Go for what you want! Stand up for your rights!

While pursuing your dreams is a positive thing, the way we go about that can often make us look very poorly in His eyes.

Meekness is defined as having, "a calm temper; not easily provoked; humbly patient or docile; gentle and kind." To me, those sound like definite positives. But the dictionary goes on to say it is, "tame; gutless; spiritless." When I see those three things describing a person, the first word that pops into my head is weak. And we deplore the weak. We applaud and admire the strong and confident.

Why does society cast down on the meek so greatly when it as seen as beautiful in the eyes of God and is a characteristic of Christ himself?

“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls”
-Matthew 11:29.

I am not viewing my spirit in such a positive light now that I see that this trait is prevalent within my heart. And when I look back on the phases of my life, it makes sense that at those times when I was most uninhibited, most unyielding, and most determined, I was the farthest away from God. I prayed only when I needed things. I did not attend church. I did not talk to God or go to Him with problems. I could solve them myself. I did not need a relationship with Him because I was a self-sufficient girl. Independent and strong, I could take care of myself.

A person who is self-assured and has everything going for them in life is not a person that is going to willingly see God or His wisdom. They already know everything. God preaches that the stubborn will not be taught. And their ears are closed to Him and His word anyway.

I was like that. And now, looking back, I am officially mortified...embarrassed for my sweet husband. Often boisterous at parties and very quick to get into political and environmental debate, he was often witness to my unmeekness. I know I'm probably not the only one that is guilty of this. Have any of you struggled with this, or didn't even know it was a problem?

In my next post, we'll look at the things we can do to receive the grace of meekness as it is not something that we find naturally in ourselves. And I'll touch on why being meek does not = doormat.

Happy rainy days in Texas! Yay for some relief from this heat!
xoxo Y

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Hello All,

Im here to announce the winner for GC New Face..

Before i do so,I really want to thank all of u who are keen to participate and supporting GC. Your effort and interest in GC is so much appreciated.

After going through the comments and blog entry that some of u have been doing, I decided to choose the winner amongst those who have put extra effort by blogging/writing about GC.
There are........

(kindly advice me should i missing anyone..apologise)

As promised, i will be selecting 2 winners for this contest. However, those who weren't selected..jgn berkecil hati ye..You will still be able to receive "something" from my handmade creation. Thus do email me your address pleaseeeeeeeeee..email me at norashikinkamal@yahoo.com.

NOTE:semua yg buat special entry on GC as listed di atas akan dapat hadiah itu..sapa2 yg saya tertinggal leh bagi tahu k..so sapa2 yg nama ada tu leh email me ur details girls...im waiting!!hehe


And here Im proudly annouce GIRL CHARMS NEW FACE...

The FIRST RUNNER UP who will be GC New Face is............................





SOFIA MAISARAH..Congratulation little girl... photography session with EOG will be in place insyaAllah soon.

And now the lucky champion....She is....






ELDARYANNA.....the Autumn Set will be yours dear girl...and of course a photography session with our adorable lady..EOG will follow!! Hope you enjoy it!!!

With this announcement I hope i don't make you guys out there waiting anymore...and again i really want to express my thankful to all readers and supporters out there.
Thanks for trusting GIRL-CHARMS..

Till we meet again!!!

Jellies and purple terrycloth shirts

We decided not to go to San Antonio after all. We would have been leaving right after Southern Hubby got off of work and would not get there until probably right around midnight. After that, I know SH would have to log in and work a little bit longer. Knowing that he'd have to get up early so we could start on our mini-trip just didn't sit well with me. SH has been working so hard lately. I'd rather he be able to actually enjoy a trip and have fun, not worry about what he needs to be doing. So, I postponed the trip. Knowing he's not enjoying himself lends to me not enjoying myself. Ahh, the complications of marriage...you aren't happy unless you know your other half is happy, too. :)

But all ended well. We got to go out to dinner with friends last night and I got to try the house's famous Mango'ritas. Oh. my. goodness. Were they ever delicious! And at $3.95 a pop, I didn't feel bad about having a couple. Or several. Or..okay, I had three.

And since I'm sure you've read all the Micheal Jackson tributes you can probably stomach right now, I won't go on and on about the enormous impact he made on music history. And I'll save you from the horror stories of me attempting to do the Moonwalk in my jellies {(oh, you 26-35 year olds know you had them, too!) Suffice it to say that plastic shoes do not stand up to heavy friction very well.} But I did want to cast my vote on the top 3 MJ songs.

In no particular order, they are:

1. Billie Jean
2. P.Y.T
3. Rock with You
* The Girl is Mine (with Paul McCartney)

I threw in his duet with Paul McCartney because I absolutely adore the way Mr. McCartney says the word "lover" in it. Me + British accents = several girly giggles and a wistful eyes.

The Southern Housewife, circa 1985

Here's to you, Mr. Jackson. Thank you for some wonderful memories, the catchy songs and for changing the world through your music. I'll always remember how cool I thought you were for making a light come on each block you stepped on in Billie Jean. I didn't understand why the kid wasn't your son and I still don't, but you made the 80's a cool decade to have grown up in. I hope that people remember you as the King of Pop, not as who the media portrayed you to be, or the allegations against you.

"So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another..." (Romans 14:12-13)
Happy Saturday folks,
xoxo Y

Friday, June 26, 2009

Cotton Candy Shop Giveaway!

OK, I know I said I wouldn't be back until Monday, but when I have such a great giveaway for me readers, I knew I couldn't hold out for two more days. I'm so impatient!

Even though I'm not a mama, I can still recognize super cute baby clothes when I see them. And the Cotton Candy Shop, my friends, makes some of *the* cutest baby clothes around! Known for their ridiculously adorable tutus, they've recently expanded their line to include embroidered outfits, jumpers, jon jons (a southern tradition, y'all!) and they even have Halloween costumes. And Lauren, owner of the couture boutique, has graciously offered to give away one of her most popular sellers. She is definitely in the know of baby fashion, having dressed the likes of celeb blog star, Miss Harper!

Around the south, especially during these hot months, you'll find little girls of all ages running around in jumpers. They're comfy, cool and this one is just plain fabulous! Lovin' the bold colors and you know it would be just perfect for summer picnics!

Lauren didn't forget her boys either! If you win and have a boy, you'll just love what she has in store. This seersucker whale jon jon is classic Southern at it's finest! He'll be the cutest mini-prep on the playground.

To enter, make a visit to the Cotton Candy Shop and find your favorite outfit. Leave a comment tell me about it and who the Bubble Machine Jumper would be for if you won. Even us non-Mommy gals should enter- wouldn't this be a great and unique present for all these summer birthdays? That's what I love about buying handmade- you're not going to be giving the same Target outfit like everyone else. Now, I love me some Target, but I know what it's like to give something unoriginal- embarrassing!
The contest ends at midnight Central time on Tuesday. I'll announce a winner on Wednesday morning. Good luck!
UPDATE! : Because we have now put a jon jon into the mix, I'm extending the deadline giveaway to this Thursday! All entries must be in my 11:59pm Central time Thursday night with the winner announced on Friday morning. GL!
Happy browsing!
xoxo Y

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Yay! Re-design finished!

Can I just say how absolutely, positively tired I am of HTML, tutorials, blog tricks, Photoshop, Photobucket, and my computer keyboard?

I went with popular demand and kept the header I had. Last night I thought it was too much pink, but it looked a lot better to me in the morning for some reason. I now know why blog designers charge so much. They are worth every single penny. And too bad for me spending my month's worth of fun money on this beauty because I was forced to do it myself instead of hiring someone to do it for me! (But I think it was worth it- and even though I didn't need another black purse, she's pretty darn gorgeous.)

We're heading out of town this weekend to visit one of my favorite cities- San Antonio. Southern Hubby and I got married there (even though that is not where we live) and I went to college there so it holds a lot of fond memories for me. Unfortunately SH is swamped with work right now so we're not able to take a summer trip longer than a weekend. :( But SA is a great compromise. :) I'll be back Monday with pictures, of course.

I think I'm going to walk away from my computer now. I'm in desperate need of a good stretch, a long shower, a change of clothes and something to eat. And if I don't leave now, I'm scared that my patootie will become permanently attached to this chair.

Happy early weekend!
xo Y

PS- Be on the lookout for a new button, too!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Help me pick one!

I've been working on this header for a good part of the day (I let it eat into some of my cleaning time- bad homemaker!) and I just cannot decide which one I want. They are both the same, but the word 'charm' is different.

I also cannot decide if there are too many graphics in it. What do you think? Please comment with your choice- I'm so indecisive!
Choice #1: Polka Dot Charm

Choice #2: Solid Charm

Changing faces

Who knew I was so fickle? (OK, I did.) And who knew I had a few extra hours to kill cause my house is spotless? (I don't and it's not.)

I've decided to give my blog another makeover. I'm going with a whole different sort of design. I'm hoping this one will stick for a bit longer than the last. I really liked the nostalgic feel of the last one, but I'm not liking the side bar designs.

Hopefully I'll get it finished by today and you'll get a sneak peak!

I also decided to do one more small project for Aniston's cafe. Let me see if I can pull it together the way I'd like to before I show any pictures.

Happy fickle pickles!
xo Y

Update: I haven't done anything to it just yet. This background was from just fiddling around yesterday. I'm changing up the header and side buttons. I'm having a bit too much fun! :)

Update #2: As you can see, I'm still very much in the middle of working, so if things are still wonky, forgive the mess.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Aniston's Cafe and a Cute Craft

I hope everyone had an awesome Father's Day!

My family, grandparents and godparents came over last night for a big ol' BBQ cookout- steaks, burgers, grilled corn on the cob, potatoes, the works! It was fab and yummy. :) And I was so happy to see my kitchen bustling with the women and aprons in my life.

Each father was served a big, juicy steak which is the tradition around here. Other than eat and gab, we didn't really do much of anything and daddy seemed to have a great time just relaxing and enjoyed being around loved ones. That is what Father's Day is about, after all.

I also wanted to share the little project I have going for today. As most of you know, I don't have children. My dogs are my babies. But the only real baby I have in my life is my niece, Aniston. Okay, so she's not a baby anymore. I don't think 8 years constitutes a baby, but a sentimental aunt can pretend, can't she?

Anyway, a while back, I tried to carve out a little play area for her. With a decidedly child- unfriendly house, I figured she'd appreciate this little area just for her when she comes over. So as of now, we both share my craft room. :)

I set up a little wooden table in there for her and got her a darling tea set. Somehow that made it's way into a restaurant which required some quick thinking on the aunt's part. I typed up printed a cute little menu with easy to add and subtract number totals (once a teacher, always a teacher I guess) and laminated them for her to use over and over. She loves getting out her pad and pen and playing "Aniston's Cafe" whenever she comes for a visit. Somehow each one of us gets suckered into becoming a customer at this little eatery. Which is fine. Cause the food is delicious and the service is great. ;)

But after looking at her playing last night, I realized she was missing a couple things that might make it a bit more fun. I figured I could fashion up some little place mats, napkins and maybe even a waitress apron. We'll see what this ol' aunt can get done on this busy Monday morning.

Happy Monday, ya'll!

xoxo Y

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A couple of things...

First of all, thank you so much for all the words and emails about my last post. Your words have definitely helped me and I plan to continue working on hearing Him when He speaks. I know I will also need to remove any obstacles that are keeping my ears plugged. With things like pride, idolatry (materialism), and complete trust, I think I have my work cut out for me. And as much as I'd like to beat myself up, I know I'm a sinner. And I know I'm not perfect. And He knows this. So, my prayers right now are for removing these obstacles that often block a lot of us from clearing hearing what He wants us to do. And I thank you for the wisdom you shared.

I also wanted to tell you a little bit about Puppies Behind Bars. My friend Erin, who's heart is as big as her smile, is attempting to sponsor a puppy by selling super cute dog collars with 100% of the profits going to her cause . Puppies Behind Bars is an organization that pairs prisoners with Labrador Retriever puppies to train them to be service dogs. Often, the unconditional love of the puppy is the only unconditional love the prisoners ever receive. To me, it's hard want to give a criminal enough trust to train a loving dog, but I think that's why God presented me with this situation. He wants me to open my heart a little; entertain the idea of second chances and forgiveness.

So, I told Erin, I'd love to help her in any way I could. Before the deadline, I do plan on purchasing two collars for my babies, but until then, I'd like to help by spreading the word. Please take the button and put it on your site. Talk about it to your readers. Hopefully we can all help her raise the $3000 goal. If you don't think you could buy a dog collar, Erin would gladly accept any fabric donations. Please visit her site for more information.

And lastly, I'm soooo excited to finally announce that my website is up and running! I don't have everything on it yet, but I do have most of my PMC designs as well as a couple of customer favorites. I'd appreciate if you'd spread the word as I feel it's going to be a bit hard to make the switch from Etsy to my site. I plan on having a coupon code for my readers soon. I'm still trying to figure out all the nuts and bolts about how to maintain this site, so give me a little bit of time on that one. :)
Happy Father's Day weekend!!
xoxo Y

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Do you hear what I hear?

This week, I started a new bible study at church called, Breaking Free, by Beth Moore. While I'm not super familiar (or that comfortable) with her evangelical way of teaching, I have definitely enjoyed these first few homework lessons.

Last night, I read about the 5 things that God wants for us, his children. They are:

1. To know God and believe Him
2. To glorify God
3. To find satisfaction in God
4. To experience God's peace
5. To enjoy God's presence

I understand what they all mean, and although I aspire to do all five, I'm stuck on several. Number 5 in particular has me very frustrated.

It's funny how He brings things into your life at the exact moment you need them. Lately, I've been struggling in my prayer time with Him. I pray. I speak to God. I praise Him for all that He's done in my life. I ask for help and guidance. But I can't hear Him speak to me. And when I *think* I do, I begin to doubt myself- "Was that really just me saying the things I want to hear?"

When I try to quiet my mind, I feel the pressure of 100 thought knocking, trying to push their way in. "Did I feel the boys breakfast yet?", "What am I going to make Southern Hubby for lunch today?", "I really need gas in the truck; it's almost on empty." Not one thought profound, and not one thought from Him.

I get so jealous when I hear women tell me that God spoke to them, and told them to do this or that. Why can't I hear Him? What is blocking me from hearing what He wants me do or how He wants me to handle a certain situation?

Is there anyone else out there that struggles with this, like I do? Am I the only one that can't hear Him? What do you do when you have the weight of the world trying to barge in on your quiet time with God?

Happy to enjoy His presence!
xoxo Y
PS- I'm taking little break from Smallest Blessings Thursday. I don't think it will be for that long, but the summer is getting busier and busier and I'm finding myself with less time to blog. I hope to start it up again in the next month or so. Until then, please keep looking for those small gifts that God gives us all.

Monday, June 15, 2009


CM045: Colourful Abstrack

Anyone interested???

Im making this ONLY for AGE 1 and 2. Selling @ RM80. Anyone?? Please leave ur comment or email me at norashikinkamal@yahoo.com instead

The reason why for ONLY age 1 and 2??
Sebab kain ni mahal..saya beli RM124/4m..so kalau saya nak buat untuk age selain age 1 dan 2 saya tak tahu nak kira macamana...itu je lah alasannya..

TAPI..kain ni mmg cantik dan sedap sgt pakai...boleh tgk kat EURO MODA kalau tak percaya...ada 3 tones colours...

BTW, these 2 sets also available..contact me for ordering..

CP008: Gypsy set

CP009 : Spring Set

CP010 : Autumn Set


Latest!!! Patched dress, skirt, blouse and trousers!!!

Dear readers....

This is latest from GC...all are patched work!!!...and the best thing it comes with the matching scarf, hairband, hairclip and also small flowers on your desired blouse or t-shirt!!! Enjoy viewing for now...more product and explanation on next entry!!!

Special notes and thanks to dearest friend for capturing this moments...EOG

Making Your Home a Haven: Drawer or Closet Challenge

Today over at Tammy's, she's challenging us to clean up or tidy one a drawer or closet that needs some attention.

Everyone has a junk drawer in their home, right? Well, here's ours.

My goodness, that was embarrassing to show! Hopefully I'll be able to get a picture of it clean. I've got a super busy day today. (Aren't all Mondays super busy?) I've got some recovery cleaning to do, a Weight Watchers meeting to go to (yes, I've been paying for it for two weeks, and have yet to go...bad!), and some orders that need to get out. I'd also like to plan some WW meals for this week. Does anyone have any good websites that have a variety of WW meals with the points already counted out?

Alright, off to take care of the day! Don't you just love Mondays? No matter how badly last week was, or how little we feel we got done, we get to wipe the slate clean every Monday. :)

Happy clean slates!
xoxo Y

Friday, June 12, 2009


I just have to laugh at how strongly people feel about using your husband's name. I received several not so nice emails and comments about how old-fashioned I sounded by wanting to use my husband's name. One anonymous girl (Again, why anonymous? I just don't get that.) said it was 'disturbing'. I couldn't help but giggle when I read that one. Disturbing?

Although these emails were in the minority, I make no apologies for wanting to keep tradition and show my husband respect by using his name. Does this mean that girls that don't do this don't respect their husbands? Does it mean that girls that don't like to be called Miss are of loose morals.? Come on, now. Did I say that, ladies?
My husband does not feel superior to me because I like to call myself, Mrs. Southern Hubby. He doesn't see me as his object or possession. That's absurd. If you are worried that your husband views you like this, then you have bigger problems than salutations. A good marriage is one of mutual respect. A man feels love through respect. Plain and simple. Shaunti Feldhahn, author of "For Women Only" found through her research that and would actually prefer to be respected by everyone and loved by no one.

To me, acknowledging that his name speaks for mine, is a way that I show respect to my husband. However, it's not the only way show respect. This is what works for us. This is how we feel in line who He made us to be. I'm not a doormat of a wife. I do have a say in what goes on in our household. But it is because I show respect to my husband, that he cherishes me and values my opinions. We are equals. However, the decision is ultimately lies with him.

Thank you to those gals who voiced differences of opinions in a respectful way. It is comments like that that actually make me look at the other side to see things how they see them. Those comments that go on a tirade about how disturbing it is, I just gloss over.

Anyway, I also wanted to say praise the Lord for the Atlanta Falcons releasing dog killer, Michael Vick! Now, let's keep our fingers crossed that this murderer is not reinstated to the NFL. He had a wonderful opportunity and tossed it away. After an investigation by the USDA, it was revealed that Michael Vick was not only responsible for the dog fights, but had also, "electrocuted, strangled, drowned, and shot dogs," as well as slam them "to the ground which broke their backs and necks and caused them to suffer a particularly painful, slow death."*

Now THAT is what I call disturbing.

For more info on how you can help keep this monster out of the NFL and away from being a role model for children, please click here.

I think I'll wear my cute PETA shirt today in support of that decision!

Happy Friday, ladies!
xoxo Y

*letter from PETA president, Ingrid Newkirk, to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell

Thursday, June 11, 2009

GC New Face!!

Hye everyone!!!

I've been thinking to have ONE little model about the age of 2 to be the new face of GIRL-CHARMS!!! Why age 2?? Hehe...simple answer; because i dont have little girl on my own around that age!! (i have 1yo, 4 yo and 6 yo...too big n too small..hehe).And that age of girl is the best to dress them up!!! Owh i love them..especially when they just know how to walk and run and make a mess...so adorable aren't they???

  • maybe by counting the comments in my blog (which i hardly have any..hehe)??
  • maybe by having the best quota about my Girl-Charms?? u can suggest the quote in the comment column
  • OR even maybe by promoting my GC blog to ur friend out there and meke sure she comes back to me and leave the comment too..(make sure when she leave comment at my blog do refer ur name for me to keep track)

Simple rite???


Im giving away one set of my patch work trousers and blouse to the lucky WINNER!!

Start to leave your comment dear readers...!! (DATE LINE ON 21st JUNE 2009)

NOTE: I may change the WINNER to any age should there be no girl age 2 interested...So anyone can try then...heheh


Smallest Blessings Thursday

Seems I stirred up some controversy with my Mrs. Southern Hubby post! All I can say is that I stand by my words. Having his name as mine makes me feel loved, taken care of and respected. However, I will say that I dropped my middle name and made my middle name my maiden name. I have three sisters and thus, my daddy's name will stop with us. And I just couldn't let it go. It was a part of me for 24 years and I just couldn't part with it. I didn't hyphenate because I wanted to be able to use Mrs. Southern Hubby but still keep my full name.

Anyways, enough of that! On to Smallest Blessing Thursdays.

I know I said we had just started our Dave Ramsey envelope system, however, the real reason we did our budget was to see if I was able to afford to make the monthly payments on an RV with my business profits. Turns out, I was! I've wanted an RV since forever and I'm sooo excited we are able to get one!

We're only looking at smaller travel trailers since it's just us two and the pups and we're first time RVers. Plus, my SUV can only tow a maximum of 5,500 lbs.

We spent last weekend traveling all over the place looking at RVs. We've worked out the kinks with insurance and our bank and are thinking of buying one this weekend. The one I'm looking at is Coachmen. We were looking for new and used but ended up finding a wonderful deal on a brand new one, so we'll probably get that one. It fits all our needs. If we like it when we see it in person and decide to purchase it, I'll be sure to share pictures.

So, for my smallest blessing, I'm so thankful for all the memories we will make out on the road. I'm thankful that my business is thriving and that I'm able to not even touch Southern Hubby's paycheck. I'm thankful that even in this economy, we are able to make purchases like this. We are truly blessed.

What are you thankful for?
Happy Smallest Blessings Thursday!
xoxo Y
PS- Why is Mr. Linky still acting up?! Hopefully this one will work.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mrs. Miss. or Nothing?

What's in a name? What is proper? What will undoubtedly offend?

Yesterday, as I was sorting our mail out into his and her piles, I almost missed one of my pieces of mail. It was addressed to a Mrs. Southern Hubby. I'm so used to seeing Mrs. Southern Housewife, it caught me off guard. I showed it o SH and looked, thought about it for a minute, smiled and said, "I like seeing your name like this." He said it made him feel proud.

Nowadays is it supposed to be offensive to women. "Why should my name not be written? I'm a person, too! He doesn't own me, so use my name!" But is it really? Why are feminists so positive that it that it's males trying to keep women down?
Often, when writing correspondence, I will address it to Mrs. Hubby's Name. I do it for several reasons. I believe that you should exalt your husband. Be proud to have his name as your name. Show him and others that you respect and think so much of him that you'd rather have people address you by his proper name.

Way back when, (when our country had morals) women were often addressed as Mrs. Hubby's Name. Does that mean they were never called by their first name? Absolutely not. But it was a formal way of addressing women and you showed respect to a stranger by calling them by their proper name. When you became better friends, then you could get more casual.

It was not unusual for women to sign documents, write books, and have stationary made all with their proper names. Why has this become so antiquated and even better, why has this become offensive and taboo?

When someone, especially a male, addresses me as Mrs., I feel a bit honored. Even if it's Mrs. Southern Housewife, there is something about including the fact that I am a married woman that makes me feel respected and viewed as wholesome. In fact, long ago unmarried women who were considered virtuous and in good standing, were addressed as Miss. What an acknowledgement it must have been to know that others around you consider you to be a women of morals and intelligence!

Nowadays, I rarely see that happen. What was bad about that, I wonder? Feminists object to women being seen as sex objects rather than potentially hard workers or monetarily successful. But I wonder how many 'loose' and unmoral women end up in happy and Godly marriages? I wonder why a man would want to marry a women who boasts about not being virtuous when it is obviously something a man looks for in a women they want to spend the rest of their life with.

If this isn't showing tying women with sexuality, then I don't know what does! But I'm sure they would say that these women have the right be like this! It's their prerogative! Let's just see how happy they end up in life. And let's just see what sort of man this kind of behavior attracts.

I'm not embarrassed of my husband, and I'm not embarassed of his name! He is of moral character, a wonderful provider as well as husband and I would be darn proud to be associated with him, let alone his name. Ladies, I say we start a trend. I say we stand up for the respect of our husbands and honor him in this way. Don't be afraid. Start using Mrs. and Miss to address women you respect. Start addressing your letters to Mrs. Hubby's Name. Start referring to yourself as Mrs. Hubby's Name. Be proud of him! Err, well, unless you're married to OJ. Then you might want to keep that a secret! lol

Monday, June 8, 2009

Making Your Home a Haven: Showing Thankfulness

Oooh ya'll! Today, Tammy has a good one for us!

Our challenge for today is to encourage a sense of thankfulness in our home- thankfulness to God for all He's done for us; thankfulness to our sweet husbands who toil daily to take care of their families; thankfulness to friends and family, who support us and pick us up when we need it the most.

Here are some of the ideas she has given us for today:
  • Do something for a family member that shows how thankful you are for them!
    Spend time with your family, talking about and praising God for His many blessings!
  • Brainstorm something special you and/or your children can do for someone else in need.
  • Sit down (include your children if possible!) and write or make a thank-you card for someone who has blessed you recently.

Ya'll know I'm a fan of thank you notes, so I'm looking forward to doing this one! I'm curious to see what I can get done today. :)

And before I leave, can I ask for a couple of prayers for strength? After putting it off for many months, Southern Hubby and I sat down this weekend and actually prepared a household budget. (How adult of us! lol) We are now following Dave Ramsey's envelope system. I bought the starters kit back in February. (Now can you see how long we've been putting this off?)

We're really excited about starting, but also very nervous. We are very used to whipping out the Amex whenever we need to pay for something. And like Dave mentions, it's very easy to spend, spend, spend when you don't see your bank account dwindling. He correctly ties emotions to money. When you are actually seeing the money leave your hand, it's hurts a heck of a lot more than just handing over your credit card and seeing nothing. We'd really like to pay off some debt (college student loans, my truck, put more towards our mortgage, and start a gift/Christmas fund) and not have the majority of income going to paying off our credit card expenses each month.

And it's already worked! Yesterday as we headed out, I thought to myself, "I really need some coffee. I'll ask SH to swing by Starbucks for a skinny vanilla latte." My mouth started watering until I remembered that that money would have to come out of my 'fun money' envelope. Yikes! Suddenly, I didn't feel like handing over my $5 for a coffee. I'm becoming very stingy, err, frugal with my money now! :) If anyone has succeed on this system, I'd love to read some stories about your experiences and maybe some tips if you have them!

And lastly, I'd really appreciate if I could get a couple more prayers for my sissy, S. Today she finds out if she has been accepted into a teaching program at her college. She's pretty nervous, as we all are. Please pray that it is in God's plan for her to be accepted. She would make a fabulous teacher! In fact, I considered actually going back to teaching if we could get into the same school! How fun would that be?!
Happy prayers in Him,
xoxo Y

Sunday, June 7, 2009



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