From Anonymous:
What on earth has you so anti-working women? Do you not believe that God gives women talents too (besides cooking and cleaning?) I work full-time with two children, cook every night and volunteer at the school more than the moms who stay at home. If you drop your child at preschool and then go to Hobby Lobby and I drop mine and go do something productive for society, how am I not an effective "manager" of my family? My house is spotless and my meals are home cooked. You gals are seriously L-A-Z-Y and using this as a crutch or need to learn how to multitask! I know this will be deleted...flame away!
Nothing on Earth has me anti-working women. My opinion comes straight from God's direction- plain and simple. Of course, I do believe that He gives women talents besides those of the homemaking genre. For example, I use the talents He's given me to create jewelry, sew, photograph places and people I love, volunteer and give to animal rescue, and many other things. Besides my jewelry, none of these talents make money, which I assume is one of the reasons you continue to work. Is every woman who works full time sinning against God? No, I don't personally believe so, but this is where He wants me to be. I know this. He called me here. Which is why I resigned from my teaching position only a year after I graduated from college.
Since you obviously are not a regular reader, you wouldn't know that I do not have children. I can't even imagine how much more stressful my life would be with a baby. I know that I could not keep my house clean, take care of and satisfy my husband, volunteer, create, have time for myself and work a full time job. Something would suffer- my marriage, my mental well being, my spiritual or physical health, or the relationship I have with my children. It would be impossible to do it all. I sincerely pray for your health. I hope you're sleeping enough, eating the right things, getting in some exercise, finding time to yourself, and most importantly, getting some time in with God.
If and when we do have a child, I sure as heck am not going to send my baby to be raised by some stranger who is just working at a daycare for money. I'd rather cut off my arm.
Unfortunately, there are some women out there who are single mothers and have to do just that and I think about them every single day. My sister is a single mother and I know what she went through when he had to take my precious niece to day care each day. She told me her heart broke into millions of pieces every time. I don't know what your situation is and honestly, I'm going to try hard not to judge your motives for working or for leaving your children in day care if you did, despite the fact that you judged stay at home wives.
With your full time job, maintaining a spotless house, contributing to society (might I ask what you do?) cooking delicious meals, being volunteer extraordinaire at your children's school, and whatever else you do that deems you mother of the year, I'm curious to wonder how m
Anyway, hope I answered your question and got my two cents in as well. It's funny how being behind a computer screen allows people to say things that they'd never say to someones face. The Internet is awesome when you can meet like minded people and form friendships, but it shows its downside in cases like these. Oh well, c'est la vie.
Happy HOMEMAKING, my loveies! Happy HOMEMAKING!
xoxo Y
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