When I saw the title for
Homemakers By Choice radio show I listened to this morning, my mind immediately went to the big, soft, comfy down blanket I have on my bed. But of course, that is not what Donna was referring to.
"Who is your comforter?" she asked.
And when I ran down the list of things that I run to when I'm troubled, sad, overwhelmed and in need of joy, I was disheartened.
Southern Housewife's List of Comforting Joys: - shopping
- eating
- confiding in my girlfriends
- writing everything down so I feel I am in control of things
- napping
My sweet Lord was nowhere on my list.
I'm so saddened to say that when troubling times come, it is shops that I run to; it is my soft bed that lets me sleep away my worries. And I'm ashamed to admit, not once did I consider going to Him. But this is what it is for me. For others out there, there are many other sins- abusing alcohol, promiscuity, drugs, gambling. There are so many things that we put before God. And there are even things that do not come with the shock factor- the
Internet, spending time with friends, indulging in reading, food, television, following in celebrity gossip. I am the first to admit that I've done all of those- I don't know how long I could go without checking my email or
Facebook; I'm guilty of letting days pass on the couch while my house duties are neglected; I used to be an avid reader of the vile Perez Hilton and other celeb gossip sites. But these things took me
further away from God's love and I realize that now. Sure, they were fun, indulgent and made me laugh, but were they thing things that He wanted me to delight in?
The three things I struggle with most are shopping, the
Internet, and food. I am considering doing a fast for one of these or giving one up for Lent this year. I don't feel strong enough, but I know it can be done.

Because He should be first on my list. A cabinet full of candles is
not what makes my life joyful. New purses do not give me hope, or love me unconditionally. In fact,
things are not to be worshipped. Not that I have my shoe collection on an altar, but material things bring me more joy than they should. I've known it all along. This isn't anything that is new to me and it is something I struggle with daily. I don't know how much progress I have made, but at least I'm aware of it and I'm aware of the dangers that come with it.
And how foolish of me to think that writing things down, making listings and checking to do's off gives me more control over my life! I can check a million things off my lists, but that does not put me in control of my life. Only God has that power. So why does it comfort me? I think as humans, we need to feel we have some power and control in our lives. I think it's natural to feel that way as we are born imperfect. It is only when we do not yield to His will that we sin.
I need to remember that it is okay to buy something that puts a smile on my face. It is okay to call a friend and be a list maker. But those things are NOT what makes me happy. Only a relationship with God can and will bring true happiness. I definitely have my work cut out for me, but slowly I will get there. With His divine help, there will only be one thing on my list of comforting joys- God.
"Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- His good, pleasing and perfect will."
- Romans 12:2