With that being said, I probably should not have said anything. My daddy always taught me that there are two things you should never really discuss in public- politics and religion. Everyone's beliefs are different and fighting to prove your point is not going to change their minds. (Not that I was trying to change anyone's mind.) I do hope I did not upset anyone. As we have seen, arguing about religion produces only two things- intolerance and hate.
It definitely hurt my feelings to see that my faith was viewed as 'heretical' by a certain church, but more than anything, I was really mad at myself for A. letting it get to me, and B. doubting what I believed in, even if it was just for a second. Never would I accuse someone of being a cult or less than myself for believing something different and I was naive to think that everyone would afford me the same courtesy. I like to think of myself as very tolerant of people's lifestyles and religions because in the end, it won't be me that they are standing before. So why judge them here on earth? I have no authority to try to change minds or force my beliefs on them.
I was surprised to see that most people saw hurt in my post. Yes, I definitely was hurt, but I was mostly feeling anger and frustration. I didn't think about whether or not I should say something, I just did it. I'm very quick to react to things that make me mad or upset and sadly, I have a very short fuse. I think I do have thick skin, but I need to learn that when faced with opposition, I should not immediately turn to anger or get defensive. I recently learned to ask myself, "What is He trying to teach me?" when something troubling arises. And I think that was the lesson right there- be slow to react to anger from other people. Two wrongs don't make a right, do not return evil for evil, you know the drill. And I've been working on it for a little bit now and I think He just needed to throw me a slight curve ball- just to keep me in check. :)
Anyway, enough of that business. I'm definitely keeping my blog, so no worries. I was so grateful for the sweet comments, so thanks again. You guys are awesome. Did I already say that? Well, I have to say it again, cause really, y'all are.
Hugs all around! Y
PS- Don't forget that our first Crafty Tuesdays is just around the corner! So throw yourself in your craft materials and get to creating! Finish up those WIPs that you forgot about! Start a new one! I can't wait to see what some of y'all have up your sleeves. Here's a quick peek at my CT project.
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