Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Prayers, please

Hey y'all,

I'd love some prayers right now. Southern Husband called today as I was out grocery shopping and asked me if I had spent $200 online at Abercrombie and Fitch. I hope I don't offend anyone, but I'm 28 and my cut off year for wearing Abercrombie and not looking like a poser was several years ago. Of course I said no. He told us that American Express had called him (Praise God!!!) to let him know of this odd purchase as we never shop there. So I call and they tell me that almost $800 was charged by Own Spot which is apparently a website builder.

I know this is happening more often around our country due to the economy. And I just hate it. Thankfully, Amex was wonderful about it and we won't be responsible for the charges. I thanked the customer service rep for making it so easy for me, and felt obligated to apologize- they will be stuck with the charges this thief has made. She said she didn't really know how it worked, it may be a combination of both Amex as well as the stores. Either way, someone loses out on almost $1000.

I feel very violated as my card was in my possession the entire time. I was told this could happen despite this fact. Thieves can now be your waiter for dinner (think about it- they have your card long enough to write down your number as well as 3 digit pin), your check-out girl at the grocery store, or some crazy smart hacker who could probably use their God given abilities for good and not bad.

I'm also very angry and feel quite vengeful. I want to see this person caught but sadly, that is not very likely. And they'll just turn around and do it again with another stolen number. Please pray that I can turn around my vengeful heart to sympathy for the person that did this. It would be easy if this was a grocery store and a mother was desperate for food and supplies, but obviously this person is not hurting for money if he can build his own website! I need to pray for this person as well. Forgiveness is something that does not come very easily to me. I'm good at holding grudges but I'm working on it.

I was just doing my Bible study on the Excellent Wife this morning about conflict. One thing that was mentioned was when you are in conflict (with your husband), ask God, "What am I to learn from this situation?" Obviously this is not a fight with SH, but it is still something I can ask myself. Maybe He allowed this so that I can work on my forgiving heart and vengeful attitude. I pray that this is something I can work through.

Thank you for your prayers. They are much appreciated.

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