before i start my post i just want to say how much i appreciate all of your sweet comments and congratulations about my pregnancy. i feel so blessed to be able to share this news with you. i cannot wait to start the nursery design process. there will be much more to come as the months pass. xoxo!
today i took a shopping trip to one of my favorite places to get inexpensive home accessories…homegoods. shopping for accessories in retail stores around the holidays is one of my most favorite and least favorite things to do. let me explain…i love shopping for christmas decorations and presents during the holidays, but this time of year christmas decor takes up half of homegoods. there ends up being so little regular accessories to choose from, so when i’m shopping for a client’s home it becomes very difficult.
today though, i found some great pieces while i was out. i had my cell with me so i snapped a few pics.
loved these oversized embroidered suzani pillows.

one of the best finds was these nail head oversized storage boxes from global views. these retail for around $500 and i found a green set at homegoods for less than $180.
how cute are these little foo dogs!!
i wanted to take these cute little night stands home with me…even though i have no place for them.

this last table is gorgeous. at $200 on clearance it’s a total steal.

i couldn’t resist getting one thing for myself. i snagged this cute little guy for $10. if you think he looks familiar it’s probably because you’ve seen him at z.gallerie for about $20. i’m thinking about using him in the nursery. i’ll have to see once the design comes together.