The Fabulous Thank-You Note
It is an honor to be a guest blogger for the very popular Her Southern Charm. So with out further adieu, let me say thank-you to her which goes hand in hand with our topic today: the power of a fabulous thank–you note.
Oh how I love to receive thank-you notes. I adore the words, the thoughtfulness, the look and the feel of the paper, and what I’m impressed with mostly is the timeliness of many “etiquetteistas” (cousin of the fashionista). To receive a thank-you note within three days is considered superior manners. And we all want to have Jackie O. manners - right!
If you subscribe to my tip of the week from my website (www.justaskjoy.com) you received this tip two weeks ago.
The Christmas gifts have all been unwrapped and hopefully your thank-you notes have already been sent to those who gave you a gift, or included you in a celebration in their home.
Remember: This is the perfect time to teach children to write thank-you notes.
If you are not current on your thank-you notes – it is never too late to send, maybe a little embarrassing, but never too late.
The use of the handwritten note is often overlooked in our fast-paced society. Thus, a note written promptly and sincerely is an important practice of etiquette that is more effective, and much more appreciated than an e-mail. Most of our snail-mail contains mostly junk mail and bills so something as special as handwritten notes are rare, which makes them much more meaningful to the recipient. The words and thoughts written shows the other person your sincerity, character and appreciation and many times the notes will be saved to share with others, and kept to read repeatedly.
Writing a thank-you note really can be your secret to success—the real difference maker. Let’s say, you ask someone for a donation to a charity – send a thank-you note immediately for their time and ... watch the money roll in!
Or perhaps you interviewed for a job - immediately send a thank-you note to each person who interviewed you. Most likely you will be the only candidate who sends a note, and should the decision be a close one between you and another person – guess who gets the job … You! Why? Because you took the time to take that extra step showing not only that you are polished, but that you really want the job, and most of all it shows your sincere gratefulness for the opportunity to interview for the position.
Reasons to write note cards are limitless. I always suggest keeping a box of embossed note cards on your desk with a roll of stamps near-by. Immediately send a quick note to thank the person who took you to lunch, bought you a gift, did a favor for you, or perhaps gave you words of encouragement. There are many reasons to send a note to others, and the only inappropriate note card is the card that is never sent!
How late is too late? The sooner the better! But, it is never too late to send a note of thanks. It is best to send it within the first week, preferable within 48 hours, it seems much more sincere when sent immediately.
How do I choose a note card? The 4 x 6 flat, heavy cards are called “correspondence cards” and are the best choice for all around note cards. A more feminine approach would be the “informals” also known as “fold-overs.”
What do I say? Start by using the person’s name and expressing appreciation for what they have done. Example:
Dear Jen,
Thank you for the delicious lunch today. How did you know that The Mediterranean Grill is one of my favorite places to dine. I truly enjoyed getting to know you and learning more about your family business.
I will not forget your kindness anytime soon nor will I forget the amazing dessert!
We must meet there again soon – my treat!
All my best,
If you are writing a note of thanks for a gift, mention how you will use the gift - "the photo album is the exactly what we needed for our family vacation photos.” If you are thanking someone for a thoughtful gesture say, “thank you for kind words ….” And mention how they impacted you.
Other tips: Only write on the front of the card, never finish your thoughts on the back. Write the date on the bottom left of the note card. (yes, you read that correctly – bottom left!)
Remember: Your stationery is a reflection of you! Keep in mind the impression you hope to make. If you are a professional executive, it is not appropriate to send pink polka-dotted cards to your clients. It is best to order solid color correspondence cards with your name or initials engraved or embossed on the front along with your return address on the envelope flap. Choose a font that is readable. The swirled scripted fonts can be difficult to read, try the blocked letters for a visible and clear print.
The thank-you note has helped numerous Presidents be elected over the years. The savvy candidates recognize the power of the thank-you note and carries a box of cards on the campaign trail. They write notes immediately following each event to the volunteers and hosts in each town and city. Many believe it is this personal touch of the notes that is so special and is what propels them into the White House.
We are beginning a New Year and this is a perfect time to incorporate new and fabulous habits into our personal and professional lives. The power of a sincere thank-you note could be the exact reason you keep an existing relationship, make a new one, receive a promotion or even get elected as President. It is up to you … why not order that box of note cards and starting writing fabulous thank-you notes now!
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