If you would like to participate this week, just hop on over here to the see the rules. They're super easy and we all know each one of us has at least one small blessing to share!
Around 9pm, my sister drove T home. He usually comes over my parents house after school to do homework and spend time with my family. They were talking for a bit when a guy in sunglasses and a baseball cap came up to her car and demanded all her money and anything expensive she had. He forced his body in the car and started going through all her stuff. Luckily, all she had was her purse, her Amex and a few dollar bills. He grabbed that and asked, "What else do you got? I know you have more stuff." But she honestly didn't and it made him mad. Thankfully, by the GRACE of GOD, he just took off running. They both ran inside and called the police.
When I think of the things that could have happened, like him forcing her to take him to her ATM, or him forcing her to drive to an out of the way place and do God knows what, I get sick to my stomach. So, I'm breaking the rules of my own meme. My blessing is that for whatever reason, God spared her and T's life that night. He sent them some guardian angels that were watching over the whole situation to make sure it didn't get out of hand.
She's heading off to college in the fall and I know this is going to make it more difficult for my mama. This is her last child before they have an empty nest, and I'm sure her worry for them is doubled now. All she can do is leave her future and safety in God's powerful hands.
Thanks for letting me share. I'm pretty upset about all of this, so I don't know if I'll be around much this weekend. I plan on jamming in a whole lot of sister activities!
Happy Praising of the Lord and His divine love!
xoxo Y
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