Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Smallest Blessings Thursday 5.28.09

Thanks for joining me for the Smallest Blessings Thursday this week! Where are you finding your small blessings? Are you looking for them or do they just pop up? This is the whole point of this meme- recognizing that we are given many blessings daily, big and small, and remember to give thanks and praise to the Lord for them. Even the small ones deserve our thanksgiving!

If you would like to participate this week, just hop on over here to the see the rules. They're super easy and we all know each one of us has at least one small blessing to share!

If you're a regular reader, I'm sure you remember this post about my discovery of our little patio friends. If not, go back and read it. My smallest blessing for this week is how their sweet story ended...

Now we knew those little love birds were up to something. They've been circling their nest, never leaving, and poor hubby got kicked out and had to sleep on the ledge a few times! And yesterday, I finally got a few glimpses at what that something was! Er, well, actually- what the somethings were!

How cute are those little baby birds!? As soon as I saw on of their little heads, I ran and got my camera, hopped on a chair and started clicking away. Unfortunately, the lighting conditions were horrible, I was way underneath them, so I could never get a good focus shot on the babies themselves, and the pictures came out blurry, BUT, I'm not letting that get in the way of the fact that not many people get the privy of seeing the tender moments that nature can have.

When I was done, I let them get back to their lunch. I stepped off my chair and was reminded of just how awesome and powerful God is. He has made so many mysteries and secrets of the world. He knows why he created these animals, what purpose they serve and how they live out their lives daily. There are some things us humans will never know. I went inside and thanked God for creating such a beautiful universe. And I thanked Him for letting me in on such wonderful secrets.

Happy Smallest Blessings Thursday!
xoxo Y

U For whatever reason, Mr. Linky is not working. So, leave your links in the comments section and I'll try to check periodically and post them in the message for easier reader access.
PS- I joined The Nesters Lampapalooza Party. Check it out here if you love all things lamp.
PPS- I've had several sweet inquiries about precious Matty and tomorrow I will be back with an update. Thank you SO much for thinking about him and praying for him. My dogs are my babies. I love them with my whole heart. And when one is hurting, I hurt, too. So your prayers mean just so much to me.

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