Did I mention I've been reading Eat, Pray, Love
Yeah, I'm on the EPL bandwagon, so sue me. I just started the India part of the book and I've loving every minute. I'm devouring every word. I was meant to read this book at this point in my life. I'm particularly loving this section because Southern Hubby and I have been to India, so it's bringing back lots of nice memories.
Because of this, I'm starting to pick back up my yoga. Not that I ever had a "my yoga"; I piddled around with it in classes, but I never really studied it. But I'm giving it another shot.
I'm also trying meditation.
I cringe even writing this because it sounds SO Uptown Dallas. And if you're from Dallas, you know what I'm talking about. And Uptown Dallas is decidedly not me.
But I quietly began researching meditation last year when migraines and fatigue were taking a firm hold of my life. At that point in my life, I was tired of taking prescription medications for something that I thought I could control. I didn't want to pop pills like candy. When I told my doctor about this, he suggested I try meditation and/or yoga, as it has been known to help. He said it almost quietly, like he didn't want me to think he was crazy.
I didn't.
I did try here and there but I found it very hard to quiet my mind. But I don't think I was really ready to give it a true shot.
Finally I'm ready.
We'll see how this goes. I'm learning. I'm sitting. I'm ohm-ing And I'm trying to not feel like an uber-goober when I'm sitting there absolutely still and quiet. I feel like I should be doing something- cleaning, laundry, running, catching up on blogs, reading, picking my nose, anything but sitting doing nothing. I don't think us Americans handle 'nothing' very well. We have the mentality that if we're not productive, we're not useful.
I'm out to change that. For myself, at least. Wish me luck.
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