if you haven’t signed up for the giveaway yet you still have time. make sure you enter to win $60 from csnstores.com. the giveaway ends at 6pm tonight and i’ll announce the winner tomorrow.
this post about atlanta’s market from last week and the week before is slightly overdue. it has taken me forever to weed through all of my photos. i didn’t realize i took so many. i snapped photos of cool things that i saw, but i also took photos of merchandise that i ordered. all in all i have about 500 photos to weed through. way too many!
i’m sure you all would get so bored if i showed you everything so i’ve narrowed it down to my favorites.
first of all, parquet flooring and rustic wood flooring in general was in quite a few showroom…barreveld, vagabond vintage, bobo, and more. i noticed it in january’s show but i think it was in even more showrooms at this show. it was very lovely.

{parquet flooring at vagabond vintage}
my favorite find for a new vendor was soleil de province.
they had amazing french style furnishings, linens and accessories.
bobo always has such a beautiful showroom. i could stay in there forever looking around. i love the mix of antique objects mixed with the new ones.

and go home had some very cool vignettes. the ghost bamboo chairs were fab!

to be continued…